Chapter 28 - Saved Film Gallery

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About a week after my date with Raven, I was laying in bed, snuggling with Brandon when Corey padded into the room. My guys had all taken to waking me up with coffee when they learned just how much of a morning person I was. Apparently, they had been shocked the first few times I wasn't all warm and fuzzy, and after that decided food or coffee needed to be included every time they wanted to greet me in the mornings.

I was surprised to see Corey this morning. He had spent the last week helping our local bank with a serious breach of security in their systems and whatever free time he had had been spent on a side project he wasn't ready to share yet, so I hadn't seen him much. If he wasn't standing there holding the customary coffee greeting I would have dragged him into the bed with me, even with Brandon still behind me.

"Good morning Sunshine," He greeted me as I extricated myself from Brandon's arms so I could sit up and drink the delicious nectar of the gods.

Brandon groaned at losing contact with me, but he was still mostly asleep so quickly quietened and drifted back off. I smiled at Corey as I sipped on the coffee. After a few minutes, and a good portion of the coffee was in my system, I was finally feeling human enough to put together full sentences.

Smiling at Corey, I said, "I missed you this week".

The dazzling smile he sent me knocked the air from my lungs. Each day I was growing more and more attached to this amazing group of handsome individuals and each day I cared less and less about the possibility of things not working out between us.

"I missed you too, but guess what?" He asked excitedly.

"Is it date day?" I asked, sharing his enthusiasm.

"It's date day! We have a few different things to do today and you'll have to change at some point, but to start the day at least, you can wear anything you want. It doesn't need to be anything fancy, and to be honest, you probably don't want to wear heels, but really, there is no required dress for this. We are going out for dinner tonight and Gabe is going to lay an outfit out for you, so you don't have to worry about that either."

It was my turn to blind him with a smile. "I can't wait! Will you give me any kind of hints as to what we are doing?"

"All I'll tell you," he said, pulling me to my feet and wrapping me in a hug, "is that this is a hobby of mine that I work on during my days off, that even the team don't really know about. It's a bit like Axel and the Life Art classes he helps with. Only, I keep my clothes on."

I chuckled. "Okay. I am looking forward to it. Let me shower and get ready. I will meet you in the kitchen as soon as I'm done?"

"Sure thing, Pretty" he replied, kissing me on top of my head and squeezing me a little tighter before letting me go and walking out of the room to go and get himself ready.

I leaned over and placed a soft kiss on Brandon's cheek before finishing my coffee, and making my way over to the closet. Stepping in, I turned on the light and began looking through the vast amounts of clothing that had appeared in there to find something to wear. I settled on a pair of skinny jeans, a black, oversized, knit sweater over a black tank top and some flat ankle boots. I collected some undergarments from the drawers and headed to the bathroom to get ready.

I turned the taps on for the shower and stripped off while waiting for the water to heat to the perfect temperature. Once it was right, I stepped into the shower and went through my daily ritual, washing from my shoulders to my toes, shaving the necessary places before finishing off by washing my face. I deliberately left my hair so I wouldn't need to wait for it to dry. I stepped out of the shower and dried off. I wrapped myself in my towel before brushing my teeth and moisturizing my face and legs. I took a small amount of hair product and warmed it between my hands before pulling my fingers through my hair, taming some of the frizz that had made itself known around my curls overnight.

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