Chapter 18 - Bad News, Good Dessert

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... Go, I thought to myself.

I closed the last of the distance between Marc and myself, pressing my lips to his. I heard his sudden intake of breath and felt his body tense over mine. If I said I wasn't disappointed by his reaction I would be lying. There was something about the guys in this team that had me wanting to let all of my carefully constructed walls down and let them in. I wanted to be close to them and I wanted them to be close to me, to know the real me. They were already closer than I usually let people, but so far, they have learned of the scared me, the hurt me and the me on a mission to stop someone from destroying me. I wanted them to know the me I was every day, when I am with Phil and when I don't have to worry about people finding out the truth of my past.

At his reaction, I closed my eyes and lowered myself so I was laying flat on the floor again, letting out a deep breath and letting my body relax, practically melting into the floor. I kept my eyes closed, not wanting to see the look of disgust I was sure would be on his face after his reaction. I felt ashamed of my actions and wanted nothing more than for the floor to open up and swallow me whole so I wouldn't have to deal with the embarrassment and shame I was feeling for even thinking Marc would be interested in me; that any of them would ever be interested in someone as damaged as I was.

I was holding my breath, waiting for Marc to say something, or to move from on top of me, but he seemed as shocked by my actions as I was, frozen and unmoving. I was fighting back tears of frustration at myself and my foolish actions when I felt muscles in Marc's arms begin to move and I blinked my eyes open, looking at him in confusion. Instead of moving to stand up or roll away from me, he was lowering himself toward me, his eyes focussed on my lips.

I found myself thinking that maybe I hadn't been wrong, maybe Marc did want to kiss me and had just been surprised by me making the first move. I couldn't stop the small spark of hope that was starting to form inside of me. I didn't dare move as he continued his descent. Just as he was about to press his lips to mine, he pushed himself backward and away from me, muttering about people being inconsiderate and having terrible timing as he went.

Rubbing his leg, Marc pulled his phone from his pocket. He gave the screen a filthy look before answering the call. "Speak your peace before I make you regret insisting on the redline emergency buttons" he all but growled into the phone.

He was silent for a moment, the scowl etched upon his face made even more menacing by the frustration he was feeling. He was listening to whoever was on the other line; judging by the comment on the emergency button, I assumed it was Axel. It had been my decision that every team in the Academy should have access to the emergency software that had been created by Victor. I knew there would be people who wouldn't be fond of the idea that their phone could shock them, but it was an additional safety mechanism that had helped save multiple lives since its implementation. Once the decision was made for teams to use the software, it was up to the Academy Liaison to inform their team of the change.

"Kitty, Axel wants to know why you are ignoring his calls," Marc said to me. The first thought I had was at least he is still calling me Kitty - my brain snap hadn't affected the relationship we had started to build. It took another couple of moments for me to realised what he had asked me and longer still to form an answer.

Patting down the usual places I stashed my phone - the bra, pockets, the waistband of my tight fitting pants. I came up empty and rolled my eyes. "I put it down when I picked up the whiskey. With my hands full carrying both the bottle and the glasses, I forgot about it. I guess I am too at home in this place."

"Did you hear that, bossman?" Marc asked Axel. "Good. Of course I let her drink! This is her house and after everything that has been going on, I don't blame her for wanting one!"

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