Chapter 29 - Creating Smiles

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Friday morning I got a call from Marc. He was more excited than usual, so I could only assume that he had either consumed too much coffee, possibly while testing a new blend, or he had finally finalised his menu changes. You know what they say happens when you assume things, you make an ass out of you and me. Or in this case, I made an ass out of myself. I was caught completely off guard when he said he was calling me to tell me we were going out this afternoon.

He told me that casual dress was best and that we would be doing some walking, so comfortable shoes were a must! With all of the shopping that Gabriel had done to replace everything I had lost, I was still spoilt for choice with what to wear, but thankfully, I still had a couple of hours to decide. The weather was cooling and if we were out after dark, the temperature would definitely drop off. I decided on some washed out dark jeans, a deep blue cowl necked sweater, and matching converse sneakers.

I had washed my hair this morning, so decided to leave it down with its natural curls. About an hour before Marc was due to get home to pick me up, I started the process of getting ready, including my usual, light, layer of makeup, though I decided on a burgundy shade of lipstick for something a little different. I had been ready for the date and sitting reading a book for about five minutes before Marc arrived. He apologised profusely for being late and said that one of the new chefs at the cafe had managed to start a fire in the kitchen right as he was getting ready to leave. I couldn't help but laugh at the timing.

Marc raced upstairs to have a quick shower and get rid of the smoke smell, before changing and coming back down to leave. He looked very handsome in his jeans and black sweater, with matching black converse. Anyone would think we were dressing to match, without being completely obvious about it and wearing the same colours.

He walked over and wrapped me up in a hug. "It should be here any minute," he said.

"What should be?" I asked, confused.

"You'll see. We're being picked up for our date. I think you will enjoy it."

As Marc finished saying that, a horse drawn carriage pulled into the drive. The carriage markings indicated it belonged to Palmetto Carriage Works. The carriage itself was white with grey writing, grey covers and grey leather seats. The horses were jet black, with white patches just above all four hooves and white patches on their chests, and they were incredibly shiny. They looked like their hair would feel silky smooth to touch. The socks and chest patches varied in size between the horses, but they were all incredibly handsome looking creatures.

"Are you serious right now?" I asked in disbelief. "We are going on a carriage ride? I have always wanted to do one!" I exclaimed.

Marc laughed at me. "If I had have known this was all it took to make sure you were happy, I would have organised it the day I met you! Honestly though, I do one of these tours a couple of times a year. I enjoy seeing the city this way. It allows me to relax and really enjoy the sights and seeing the city as the colours change with the seasons. I take a different tour each time and am always finding new things I have missed before. I thought you might enjoy coming with me this time."

I couldn't help but smile at his admission. How many men would openly admit that they enjoyed carriage rides, let alone took them on their own. I gave him a kiss on the cheek, took his hand in mine and led him outside before he had the chance to realise what was happening.

"I would love to take a carriage ride with you," I said as we went.

I laughed at the stunned look on Marc's face and he helped me into the carriage. He quickly shook himself out of his shock, before following me up into the carriage and finally greeting the driver. I was surprised to find deep red blankets neatly folded on the seats and Marc quickly unfolded one of the blankets, sat right next to me and spread the blanket carefully over our laps.

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