Chapter Two

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   Her carriage may be the best that money could buy, but Lady Evastany Glostrum was still lamentably cold. The chill seeped through the plush upholstery inside the vehicle, nimbly evaded the best attempts of the fitted glass windows to keep it out, and assaulted Eva's pale and shrinking flesh in spite of her heavy fur wrap. It was really too detestably cold to step beyond the door of her handsome and thoroughly comfortable house, but today's errand was too important to be missed. She was on her way to see her tailor.

   Naturally she had wardrobes full of delightfully sumptuous gowns, but this was different. Something of an emergency, in fact. In a week she was to give a ball at her own house, at which she would be announcing her engagement. Such a momentous event in Glour society called for very careful treatment indeed. Eva knew she would be subjected to the closest scrutiny. The gossips and the reporters would be there in approximately equal measures, ready to tear apart every aspect of her appearance, her house, her entertaining. Most of all, they would be examining her behaviour towards her fiance. The speculation had been running high for weeks - would the elusive Lady Glostrum finally fall to matrimony? - and she had allowed for a rumour to leak out about the purpose of the ball. It was imperative that she was looking at her best.

   That being the case, it was of course inevitable that the gown she had had made for the day had been ruined. One of her maids had managed to stain it with furniture polish while cleaning Eva's dressing room. She hadn't scolded the girl - the maid had been devastated enough - but nonetheless this created an unwelcome problem. As High Summoner, Eva was in the middle of interviewing candidates for two high-ranked positions within the Summoner organisation. She didn't really have the time for any more complications.

   Her carriage came to a stop and Eva drew back the curtain that covered the freezing glass window. Her coachman opened the door for her and she stepped out with a smile, pulling her wrap as close around her shoulders as possible. She stepped quickly into the tailor's shop, shuddering with cold. Baynson was in the back, but he came running quickly enough when she rang the bell.

   'Good morning, Mr. Baynson. I'm afraid there's been a small incident regarding the gown I purchased last week, and I'll be needing another. Before the ball.' She didn't smile. Baynson wasn't the type to appreciate it. He regarded her with an air of grave disapproval as she delivered this piece of bad news, his thin eyebrows careening up his face towards his nearly bald head.

   'You'll forgive my saying so, your ladyship, but summoner or not, you ought to keep them animals away from your wardrobe. Ten to one something'd happen to your finery sooner or later.'

   'Sage advice, Mr. Baynson, but in this case the culprit was one of my maids. Not her fault; these things do happen. Naturally I will pay you a considerable bonus if you are able to make me a replacement in time.'

   Baynson tutted and tossed his head, muttering unflattering observations under his breath. Eva waited. The man was rude, uncouth and unpleasant but he was the best tailor in Glour City.

   'I'll get it done,' he conceded at last. 'It'll take a lot extra, though. I'll have to pull my girls off a couple of other orders.'

    'Fine.' Eva untied her purse from her waist and opened it. She had to count quite a large number of coins into Bayson's hands before he was satisfied, but this was to be expected with him.

   'Same as before, I take it?'

   She thought for a moment. 'Yes, but perhaps you could drop the neckline just a little. On the last one it was practically demure.'

   Baynson tutted some more. 'Don't want to make a spectacle of yourself, your ladyship. A low neckline's the province of a woman who's not fit for polite company.'

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