Lokant: Chapter Seven

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Twice that day, Nyra's timely warnings saved him just as he was about to blunder into danger. It was a stark demonstration of how long he would have lasted if Nyra had gone back to Glinnery after all.

When at last they could go no further, Aysun grimly hauled himself up into the branches of the tallest tree he could find. He had no wish to sleep on the ground again, not without Eyas and Rufin to take turns at keeping watch. His sleep was uncomfortable and fitful; after a few hours he gave up and merely sat, watching the colourful landscape of the Uppers changing sluggishly in the sun.

He'd noticed that the changes happened faster when the light was strongest. Not that the light conditions here could ever be termed low, but there were times of the day when the sun shone with particular brilliance. When clouds dimmed the sun and soft rain filled the air, as it now did, the landscape seemed to fall into a half-sleep itself.

A scrap of colour floated past Aysun's vision and he blinked, jolted out of his reverie. With a quick motion, he caught the fluttering thing carefully in his cupped hands and brought it close to his face to examine.

It was a tiny winged creature only a few inches long from the tip of its long snout to the end of its curled tail. Its wings were dusted with jade and rose colours and it had soft, pearly fur covering most of its body. With a shock, Aysun realised he had seen it before. This creature - or one identical to it - had adopted Llandry after it had strayed into the Sanfaer house. It had been attacked by Sigwide, Llandry's pet orting, but she had rescued it and after that it had stayed close to her.

Both Sigwide and the winged survivor had gone with her when she had left her parents' home, choosing to follow Devary in secret. Of the three, only Sigwide had returned to the house. He had assumed that Llandry's other pet had gone with her into the Uppers.

Perhaps it had. Could he really believe that this was Llandry's own pet? Surely there must be more like it. But its markings looked identical to the other one he had seen. Could it be coincidence that this one had flown virtually into his face?

Yes, of course it could. He released the creature, disgusted with himself. He was grasping at straws, so desperate was he to discover some trace of Llandry. He turned his back on it and resolutely put it out of his thoughts. For another brief hour he dozed uncomfortably, covering his eyes with his arm to block out the light.

When he woke again, the winged creature was still with him. It sat a few inches from his nose, its snout testing the air. He felt a slight sting as it jabbed him with the tip of its proboscis, and he realised it was its antics that had woken him.

'What do you want,' he grumbled, pushing himself into a sitting position. The thing took flight immediately and flew a short distance away, then paused expectantly. When he didn't move, it flew back, bumped his face again and then repeated its motion.

If he didn't know better than to think so, he might have said it looked like an invitation.

Nyra dropped down from above, landing lightly on the branch upon which he sat. She used her wings to restore her balance, but he was nearly pitched off onto the floor a long way below.

'Friend of yours?'

He grunted. 'Think not.'

Nyra sat neatly cross-legged and passed him a handful of fruits. 'Looks like it disagrees.'

'It's free to do that if it wishes.' Aysun ate his meagre breakfast quickly and he and Nyra set off once more. He had gone barely three steps before a scrap of colour soared past his face on jade-dusted wings. After another three steps, the creature passed again, swooping around him in tight circles. After a few more repetitions of this cycle, Aysun stopped, and Nyra landed in front of him.

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