Lokant: Chapter Thirty-Six

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Eva's one fear about using Recender was his cunning. If he thought he could delay her departure by taking longer over her request, he would certainly do it. She had stressed the importance of her schedule as strongly as she knew how; after that there was nothing to do but wait.

Two days passed and Recender produced nothing useful. Eva, chafing at the delay, spent many hours with the ambassador, intent on keeping him on track. But she was careful to reserve some hours to herself and Tren's company as well. Having little else to do, the two of them spent most of their time in their private parlour at Wirllen's best quality inn, both trying to read.

On the second day, Eva and Tren were sitting on opposite sides of their parlour, both pretending to read and neither feeling in any way comfortable, when Andraly appeared. Eva's mind had been more on Recender and the problem of Iro Byllant than on her book; these reflections were frustrating and unproductive and she welcomed the interruption.

Tren on the other hand took one look at Andraly and slouched deeper in his chair, holding his book in such a way as to cover most of his face. He did his best to look utterly absorbed in the book he wasn't reading.


Andraly's manner towards Eva herself wasn't as it had formerly been either. Her smile held a cruel edge and even a hint of a challenge, one that Eva didn't understand. She dropped a mocking curtsey, grinning.

'Any news?'


'None at all? How disappointing. But I can see you two are working hard.' She stared at Tren, who refused to look up.

'We got nothing out of our lead. Warehouse empty. But I have somebody on it.'


'A friend.'

'Oh, ' said Andraly with exaggerated relief. 'That's all right then.'

She vanished.

'What a pleasant visit.' Eva kept her eyes on Tren until he finally looked up, peeking at her over the top of his book.

'Is she gone?'

'Do you want to explain what that was about?'

He coughed. 'Er. Not really, no.'

'And you call me secretive.' She muttered the words under her breath, knowing Tren could hear them anyway. He contributed nothing but a crooked smile by way of answer.

'All right, keep your secrets.'

'You're becoming a grumpy old woman. It's being cooped up in here with me that does it. How about a walk?'

'Old? An old woman?'

'I, um, didn't mean that.'

She turned her back on him. 'We can't walk. Recender might send word.'

Tren heaved a sigh. 'In that case, do you have anything more interesting to read?'

'More interesting than what?'

Tren tossed her the book. The title read A History of the Royal Family of Orstwych, 1652 - 1745.

The book was six inches thick.

Eva sorted through the scanty pile of volumes that lay on the table beside her. 'I've got a trashy romance novel or a trashy romance novel.'

'Ooh. Are they steamy?'

Eva glanced with distaste at the pages of her own volume. 'This one is sadly lacking in racier content.'

'Ah.' Tren's face fell. 'Ah well. It's got to be better than the exploits of Old Orstwych's ninth monarch at boarding school.'

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