Orlind: Chapter Twenty

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The Lokants were not slow to organise themselves. Llandry watched them arrive in their numbers, each one calm-faced, alert, and not looking in the least concerned that they had been thrown into the midst of a battle. They were so devoid of emotion, in fact, that they were almost like mechs themselves. That thought gave her a shiver.

Her parents. Travelling west, they would soon run into the circle of whurthag mechs that were approaching the city - if they hadn't already. Dare she hope they had somehow missed them? That thought fluttered optimistically in her muddled brain for about three seconds before she discarded it.

She wished, most fervently, that Eva was here, for her ladyship would have set off immediately to find them and shepherd them safely to Irbel. But she wasn't, and she had asked Llandry not to call her again. Llan had no wish to imperil Eva and Tren if they were in Krays's Library by now. Llandry would have to steel herself to approach one of these intimidating strangers with her request. Searching among the sea of pale faces before her, she at last spotted Limbane.

But he wasn't the mild-mannered gentleman she'd first known. He was grim and imposing, barking orders to groups of Lokants in turn. As Llandry watched, they divided themselves into many small groups and began to prepare their mystifying equipment. She couldn't hear Limbane's orders over the tumultuous background noise.

Pensould's arms slipped around her waist and his voice murmured in her ear. 'Ori has taken Avane back to the village. You must come too, Minchu. It's dangerous here.'

She nodded, knowing he was right. Iver had set up his headquarters on the edges of Waeverleyne, far from the landmarks that attracted the primary attentions of the draykoni invaders. It was, therefore, relatively quiet out here; but "relatively" didn't mean much.

I can't leave yet, Pense, she told him silently. Ma and Pa are walking straight into the whurthags!

What do you mean to do? Pense's mind-voice was full of misgiving.

I want some of these Lokants to help me. They could carry my parents straight out of the forest and all the way to Irbel in an instant, then bring Pa back too. And if Ma and Pa are in trouble with the whurthags, they'll know how to deal with it.

They look busy, Pense commented, watching the Lokants' activity.

If they won't help us, we'll go ourselves in our draykon forms. Never mind what the commander says!

Pensould sighed, but he didn't argue. 'Better do it now,' he said out loud as the Lokant teams began to move.

Biting her lip, Llandry summoned her courage and ran forward to grab at Limbane's sleeve. If only she wasn't so much smaller than almost everyone else! It always put her at a disadvantage.

'Limbane! Please, I need to borrow some of your people, just for a little while.' She blurted out the whole story, talking fast, praying he wouldn't dismiss her.

Limbane listened in silence, a slight frown creasing his brow. 'Do you think this "help" they're looking for in Irbel will be granted?'

'Ma will persuade them,' Llandry said with perfect confidence.

Limbane looked out at his Lokants, thinking it over. Reaching a decision, he nodded. 'I can give you two, Llandry, but this can't take long. I need everyone on this.'

Llandry could have wept with gratitude. 'Thank you! I promise, it won't take long.'

He nodded his head once, and raising his voice shouted: 'Rael! Melle!'

Two Lokants ran up, one a youngish looking male and the other a somewhat older female. Both were wearing tool belts and carrying weapons. In addition, Melle had a set of unidentifiable devices strapped to her torso.

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