Lokant: Chapter Nineteen

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Devary Kant slipped into the grounds of Draetre's University of Magic at such an early hour that the sun had not yet risen. After days of travel and only a few hours of sleep, he was tired, but he felt he had little time to waste.

He entered the building with the casual air of a regular visitor - as indeed he had been, once. He wanted to check the library's catalogue; he knew first hand that the university held some unusual texts, because he had helped to build that collection, and not always by entirely above-board methods. But first he had to talk to someone.

He wasn't surprised to find that Professor Indren Druaster was already in her office. She was notoriously dedicated - obsessive, even - and she was always the first person to arrive and the last to leave. Devary wondered sometimes what she did at the university during the lonely hours of the early morning and late night. He knocked on her door and entered.

She looked up with an air of annoyance, but that expression quickly changed to surprise on seeing him.

'Devary, what a pleasure.'

'Professor.' He crossed to her desk, picked up one of her hands and kissed it. As he had hoped, her manner warmed immediately. She had always liked those little gestures. He smiled and took a seat without waiting for an invitation.

'Devary, dear, I can't tell you how glad I am to see you well.' She paused, studying him with narrowed eyes. 'You are recovered, I suppose?'

'Oh, quite. Thank you.' He watched her closely, looking for anything unusual in her manner.

'Ah... good. I had heard that your injuries were severe. I'm relieved to see that report was in error.'

Devary didn't answer. He and Indren had been colleagues and friends for years, but lately he didn't know who at the university he could trust. He had no intention of telling her any more than was necessary for his immediate purposes.

'So, how is that nice little girl you brought with you last time?'

Interesting. Was there a reason she had brought up the topic of Llandry so quickly, or was it a coincidence? 'She is fine, as far as I know.'

Indren made a soft clucking noise of disapproval. 'Poor girl, what a mess she got herself into. Why did you bring her along, anyway?'

'That is not important. Indren, I need to know if you talked to anyone about Llandry.'

The teasing manner she often adopted with him faded into a cool stare. 'With "anyone"? You know I am obliged to report all of the university's doings to my superiors.'

Devary sighed inwardly. 'And who are those people?'

'You know them as well as I do.'

'No. I don't believe I do. I think that you endangered Llandry by speaking of her to your bosses.'

If he expected surprise from her, he was disappointed. What did surprise him, however, was a trace of fear in her eyes.

'This... isn't a good place to discuss these things, Dev.'

He shrugged. 'There's nowhere I can go that I won't be watched, so I'm unconcerned.'

She paled. 'You've been tracered?'

Another shock of surprise. 'Tracered. Yes. So I am told.'

'You've been promoted, then.' She smiled slightly. 'In which case you're in a position to tell me more.'

He blinked. Llandry's attacker had spoken of his being considered for promotion at one time... 'Promoted? I don't think so. But I don't know what you're talking about, Indren.'

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