Lokant: Chapter Thirty-Three

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The ambassador was in his drawing-room. He wore a fabulous silk dressing-gown and matching slippers, his gleaming brown hair perfectly arranged. His black eyes watched Eva's progress across his drawing-room floor with interest.

'My lady. An unexpected pleasure.'

He spoke in Ullarni. Eva replied in kind, with a silent apology to Tren. 'I was passing, my lord, and thought to pay you a visit.'

'Passing?' He grinned. 'One does, I suppose, "happen" to pass Wirllen once in a while.'

'Frequently.' She returned his grin, allowing hers to become mischievous.

'Who's the passenger?' Recender jerked his chin at Tren.

'My factotum. I drag the poor boy everywhere, but he's so useful.'

'Another of your thralls.' Recender's lips twitched.

'A willing one, my lord Recender.'

He stood abruptly. 'You'll stay the night with me, of course. I suppose I can find somewhere to stow your boy.' He crossed to the door, opened it slightly and snapped his fingers. A maid appeared almost at once, dropping a hasty curtsey.

'Have a room prepared. Nothing too grand.' He dropped his voice to a low murmur and gave some further directions which Eva couldn't hear. Then he closed the door again and returned to her with a smile.

Eva didn't realise his intention until it was too late to avoid it. His arms went around her and he pulled her close, trapping her in a long kiss. She heard Tren shift uncomfortably somewhere behind her.

'My departure from your fine city was too precipitate last time,' said Recender. 'I regret that, for our friendship was terminated at an inopportune moment.'

'Then let it be renewed now. Though I fear I may only stay a brief time myself. Business, of course.'

'Ah,' he said regretfully. 'Then we will make the most of it.'

He was every bit as handsome as she remembered. Awarding him a smile, she said, 'That we shall. Oh, Brun? We're going to need clearance to stay for a few days. You know how testy the authorities can be. Make up something plausible, hm?'

'Naturally.' He began kissing her neck.

'For my factotum as well. Don't forget, please.'

'Anything you like,' he replied. 'Later.'

Eva waited until she had Recender in a state of perfect satisfaction before she presented her next request.

'I've a small problem, Brun, with which I was hoping to enlist your help.'

He stopped in the process of kissing her arm, casting her a wry smile. 'I should have expected that your ladyship would not visit without a reason.'

'We all do as we must. You're usually the first person to say that.'

He sighed. 'Fortunately for you I, too, am a willing thrall. What may I help you with?'

For an instant Eva felt a crawling sensation of disgust with herself. In thrall. He had no idea how true that observation was. And now she manipulated him deliberately, turning the force of her will on him as well as her charm.

It was disgusting, but she did it willingly.

We all do as we must, indeed.

She turned her smile back on. 'I have a few names on my list. Difficult people, hard to find. I've reason to think they are all Ullarni citizens.'

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