Orlind: Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Pacing up and down in the Library's corridors while the Lokants worked on Tren was not a pastime that could please Eva. Relaxing was out of the question until she knew him to be well; even then, when all their endeavours had come to naught there remained the obligation to come up with some other way to get at Krays.

Half an hour's thought reminded her that she had been neglecting one of their possible sources of information. Without holding out a great deal of hope, Eva accessed the Map and found her way to Draetre University.

It was late when she arrived, but she wasn't surprised to find that Indren Druaster was still in her office. Her life outside of the university must be rather empty, Eva concluded with a feeling of sympathy. The professor dampened her light-globes when she saw who was knocking at her door, a considerate gesture for which Eva was grateful. Eva didn't miss the expression of hope in the other woman's tired face either.

'Any news for me?' Indren asked, waving her to a seat.

'Some, yes. The conflict in Waeverleyne is drawing to a close, I am informed, with Glinnery the victor.'

'Good, good,' said Indren. 'Is it true that the draykoni had help from Krays's people?'

'You heard about that, hm? Yes, it is true. They would have lost the battle much sooner without his constructs.'

Indren looked ready to ask more questions, but Eva interrupted her before she could get started. 'Indren, I came in hopes of hearing some news from you. All attempts to penetrate Krays's Library have ended in disaster, and I don't mind admitting that I am at my wits' end. Tell me you've learned something.'

'Nothing, I'm afraid,' Indren said dully. 'There has been no activity since last we talked. This is good, as it's beginning to look like Krays might be finished with us. But he could still come back.'

'And in the meantime, his absence doesn't help us one bit,' Eva sighed. She was silent for a while, thinking things over. Krays himself had given nothing away, of course, and their sojourn in his Library had furnished little new information. What other leads did she have?

The note. She had almost forgotten it in the chaos. Slipping a hand into her pocket, she found the little folded piece of paper still in place. 'Indren, have you ever heard any of them speak of Orlind?'

Indren frowned at her. 'No, never. Why should they?'

That faint hope evaporated, and Eva sank back into her chair again. 'The name has come up, that's all. What do you know about the so-called Missing Realm?'

Indren shrugged. 'Only that lots of people think they know what's out there, but nobody really does. There have been explorations made, of course, or rather attempted. They always resulted in failure. The mountains are impassable in the truest sense of the word.'

'Nothing out of the histories? No strange stories or legends or rumours, anything like that?'

'Not really. Plenty of wild theories without any supporting evidence of any kind - fiction, if you will - but nothing credible. It's widely believed that there never has been anything beyond those mountains, save for empty land.'

Well, Indren was the professor; she would know what constituted "credible" or not. Eva didn't pursue that line of thought. 'Then why is it considered the Seventh Realm? Besides, how do we even know there is land beyond that point, and not just ocean?'

Indren raised her brows. 'Good questions, yes. As for the former, I suppose it's tradition.'

'Traditions have to begin somewhere, however.'

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