Lokant: Chapter Fifteen

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Leaving the Geslin house early the next morning, Tren didn't proceed immediately with his plan to return to the Lowers. He had another errand to complete first.

He took a public carriage to the other side of the populous town of Westrarc. On the outskirts of the settlement was the premises of Lawch & Son, the light-globe manufactory that Mrs Geslin was now involved with. The establishment proved to be a large one, but it didn't take him long to find the information he needed. Stepping inside the office, he introduced himself to the dapper clerk as a representative of the Glostrum Estate.

The man's face lit up with instant recognition. 'Ah, marvellous! It's some time since we received word from her ladyship.'

'She has had much on her mind of late,' Tren replied. Glancing about the office, he saw several examples of the artistic light-globes that Eva used in her own house. How like her, he thought; if she admired a company's product she would simply buy the company.

'I have the regular reports,' the clerk offered. 'Perhaps you can deliver them directly, Mr Warvel?'

'Ah - no. I have some other business to perform for her ladyship before I am permitted to return to Glour City.'

The man nodded briskly. 'Please convey our continued regards. Her recent investment has allowed us to expand the business considerably. Please also inform her that the new style of globe she suggested has proved very popular. She'll be pleased to know it.'

The clerk's attitude was beginning to prove too oily for Tren's tastes, but he stood his ground. 'I will ensure that she knows. She particularly asked me to check on the progress of her share transfer. I believe Geslin was the name?'

The clerk donned a gleaming pair of spectacles and rustled papers for a few minutes. At length he looked up with a triumphant exclamation.

'Here it is. Geslin, 35th house Ruarch Street? Yes. Those shares were transferred successfully. We are delighted to have her ladyship's friends among our shareholders.'

Tren sighed inwardly, suffering some conflicted feelings. Part of him felt that it ought to have been his responsibility to care for the Geslins; he was practically a member of the family after all, and if he hadn't been able to save Ed, at least he could make up for it by taking over where he had left off.

But he knew that attitude was essentially selfish. Eva had found a simple and direct way of providing for them in the long-term, and she'd done it without mentioning a word to anyone. She had also found a way to protect Mrs Geslin's pride. It was a deeply decent thing to do and also a sensitive one, and he felt a brief pang in reflecting on it.

'Thank you,' he said to the clerk and rose to leave.

'Ah - a moment, Mr Warvel. It occurs to me that her ladyship might enjoy a sample of our newest product. Would you care to see it?'

'I - yes, all right, but I have a great deal more to do this morning.' Tren affected the harried and self-important air of a middle-rank official with surprising ease.

'Of course, of course,' the clerk replied. Moving with bustling speed, he unlocked a cabinet that stood behind his desk and took out a light globe. It was larger than any Tren had seen before, as large as the chandelier that graced Eva's drawing-room. It was encased in a gracefully wrought silver cage; Tren could see at a glance that the globe would throw light onto nearby surfaces in the pattern enforced by the metal.

'Remarkable,' he said honestly.

'That's not all, sir! When activated, this globe will change the colour of the light with every rotation.'

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