Orlind: Chapter Twenty-Nine

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The party to Orlind was to comprise five explorers: Llandry in draykon-form bearing Eva, Pensould carrying Tren, and Ori flying alone. To save time, Eva transported the group to the western reaches of Irbel. They paused for one final consultation before embarking on the journey, huddled in a chilled knot at the base of the majestic mountains that divided Irbel from Orlind.

Llandry stared up at that barrier, suffering some misgivings. The approach to the mountain range was deceptively gentle: a slope wandered its way upwards without any seeming hurry, covered in alpine grasses and cheerily-coloured blossoms. Beyond that, the terrain lost all friendliness and began a sharp climb up into the heavens. Those distant, snow-capped peaks must be truly inhospitable to have kept people out of Orlind all these long ages.

Eterna's concerns had centred on the flight into the realm, though she had been unable to define the precise nature of her worries. Undefined fears always had the strongest hold over Llandry. What awaited them in the skies over the Seventh Realm? She smiled to hide her unease as Eva began to speak.

'I think it safe to say that we will not wish to prolong our visit,' her ladyship said seriously. 'We will remain as long as is necessary to learn what we need to, and no longer. Please look out for each other. Nobody ought to be left alone in there. We will keep together, understood?'

Nobody had any objection to that. Llandry drew Pensould to one side, addressing him in a low voice.

'You don't know anything about this place, do you Pense?'

'Surely you have noticed me being as confused as the rest of you,' Pensould replied with a bland smile.

'Well... so it appears, yes, only I wanted to be sure this wasn't one of your "nobody asked me" moments.'

'Have a little faith in me, Minchu. I would not withhold information at such a time. The matter of Orlind predates my period of existence.'

'What a shame. We might have been saved a crazy expedition.'

Pensould bowed. 'Please accept my apologies for being insufficiently aged.'

He was so grave Llandry feared that he was offended, but when he straightened he smiled, mischief sparking in his eyes.

'I'm sure you've tried your best,' she grinned.

'At aging?'


'Ouch. What a wretch you are.'

Eva approached, wearing her conciliatory smile. 'Ready to go?'

'Perfectly,' Llan said as firmly as she could. 'Let's get it over with.'

It took a little time for Llandry to accustom herself to carrying a person on her back. She had only done so once before, and Eva had never travelled by such means. They remained in Irbel until all four were comfortable with the arrangements.

Then it was time to go.

Ori insisted on taking the lead, since he was the only draykon without a passenger. Llandry followed, and Pensould came behind. The first stretch was pleasant: the sun was high, the air warm and fragrant and the flight not at all arduous. It wasn't long, however, before the way began to steepen and the draykons had to climb higher into the firmament. After an hour, they were already higher than Llandry had ever been before, with still some distance to go. The air was growing thin, and Llandry's lungs laboured almost as hard as her wings.

Too high, Ori said after a while. We can't go over the top. I'll find us a way through.

He picked up speed and was gone before Llandry had chance to reply. Finding herself the leader, she slowed her pace and dropped down, close to the rocky slopes that streamed away below her. It didn't make a noticeable difference to the quality of the air.

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