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Song: PYT by Michael Jackson.


"Hello Cathrea!" Kelly yells over the crowd gathered in the boxing centre as Chris and I enter the next day. "Hello Chrissy," she purrs, using Chris's given nickname. I scowl. Kelly has said my name correctly before, how stupid does one have to be?

"Well hello there Kelly Anne," Chris gives Kelly a wink. Kelly Anne? What the fuck?

She smiles at him. "I checked out that band... they were quite something," she starts conversing with my friend as I slowly inch away from the desk toward my destination.

"Hey wait up," I turn to see Chris behind me, at a slow jog to catch up. "Lemme walk you to your spot," he links his arm around my shoulders. "Shorty," he adds as an after thought when his arm dangles past my ribs.

"What about 'Kelly Anne?'" I mock his southern drawl exaggeratedly.

"Listen kid, my family didn't move here from Kentucky just so I could mack on pretty little things, although, it is a bonus." He gives me a wink and begins singing the song 'P.Y.T.' By Michael Jackson.

"Where did you come from baby! And ouh won't you take me there.." he does a few dance moves and I can't help but laugh along. "I want to looove you-" he points to me and I fill in the "PYT," part with a dance move of my own. We begin grooving out to our own little dance rave, and bumping hips in some kind of stupid choreographed dance.

"Don't you know nooow, is the perfect time-" in my passionate dancing, I don't noticed Chrissy has stoped his singing and begun scratching the back of his neck embarrassingly. "We can make it right, dim the city lights," I belt out I shake my hips and do a little spin, not noticing the man standing directly behind me. "Let me take you to the max-" I continue singing with my eyes closed. "I want to looove you, PYT-"

I've crashed into a hard body in my aggressive dancing. I turn around with shame, for I've just gotten caught doing the most embarrassing thing known to man. I stare at the familiar chest, my own chest feeling like its about to emplode on itself. After a good fifteen seconds of silent chest staring, I finally lift my eyes to the same ones I've been dreaming about since my first day here. "Pretty young thing," I mutter the last lines to the chorus In awe, Andy staring me down, as handsome as ever. I cough awkwardly and move out of his way, figuring he was on his way to do something that isn't me, sadly. Suddenly I'm out of my stunned awe and back to my normal person hating self.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," I spit at the staring Andy. It physically pains me to be my normal snarky self to someone I care so much about, though I know it must be done. Andy doesn't obey and continues to openly stare at me. Finally Chrissy seems to have perked up behind me and puts his hand on my back and begins guiding me around the huge black haired man.

"Let's go, c'mon."

He pulls me past Andy, who stays in his tense stance, I notice his fists are clenched as is his jaw. He doesn't look back at me the way I do. All my theories are confirmed by his unwillingness to look at me, and my heart finally collapses, all of my previous giddiness evaporated into thin air.


"So, what high school?" Taymer, a trainee ref at the water bottle stand asks me.

"John Williams, go cubs," I unenthusiastically raise my fist in an ironic cheer. I could care less about our sports teams and even less about our school.

"Really? Me too! I mean- I used to. Best years of ours lives right?" He nudges me on the arm.

"Speak for yourself, Bucky. Highschool fuckin sucks," I say, continuing to refill the water on the stand. For the past forty minutes, I've spent my time in the supply closet, making busy work of restocking the shelves and trying not to think about the fact that Andy is in the next room over. But, alas I had to refill the water at some point in the day. And currently I'm hating every second of having to pry my eyes off Andy's sweaty and shirtless body at the punching bags.

"Ah... you're one of those kids," he chuckles and I scowl.

"And what does that mean, smartass?"

"A nerd, plain and simple," he winks at me and I scowl. "Oh shove it," I say to him playfully and make my way back toward the door, mercilessly trying not to meet Andy's eyes as I pass him.

"I'll see you 'round then," Taymer shouts after me. I smile a little bit but don't turn around. Making friends isn't even as hard as I thought it would be. I push open the red doors back into the silent hall an make my way toward the safety of my supply closet, unknowingly being followed by a figure in the shadows. I begin humming the next song that plays on my single earbud tucked under my shirt and enter the small and dim room. Something pushes past me at the speed of light and I let out a shriek.

He turns around. It's Andy, shirtless, beautiful Andy. My heart drops.

Without a word he has me pushed against the cement wall, my hips locked in his iron grip and my feet dangling a foot and a half off the ground, I am eye level with him. The word uncomfortable would not apply to this situation, for being uncomfortable would mean I would not want to be here, hoisted up by Andy and crammed against a wall in a compromised position.

"Hello Pretty Young Thing," he gives me a smirk, and I swear my whole existence was created just in order to see that smirk. I open and close my mouth a few times. Well fuck.

He leans his head into my neck and breathes in my scent, before kissing at the almost completely faded hickey from more than a week ago. I tense up and he notices. He doesn't ask though he waits for me to explain, retracting his head from the sensual position it had previously rested. I decide to cut straight to the chase.

"Am I your whore?"

His eyebrows shoot up and I swear it's the most expression I've seen on his face since that time he smiled at me in the car.


"You were gone... for a week and now here we are, practically having dry sex up against a wall." I see his eyelids lower at the mention of dry sex and I can't say that doesn't do something strange to my parts down south.

"What?" He finally says again.

"Are you thick? I said I'm not here for a booty call, in fact, I don't even know why I'm here." I make my way to move but he pushes me against the wall even harder, his crotch poking at a part of me I would rather not mention.

"I was calling you. Constantly," he says lowly as if he's trying to control his anger. Finally it's my turn to be completely and utterly confused out of my wits.


My phone is fucking broken thanks to some dick bag! I wanted to scream at him.

"You never answered. I saw you with that man. Is he your boyfriend? Did he give you that ring?" He motions angrily with his head to my hand that's resting on his pecs. Upon it sits a ring my mother had given me for Christmas two years ago. Today was the first day I had worn it since May. When I don't respond he seems to get even angrier.


I shrink away from him. "Chrissy is my friend. José is my friend. Not every boy I am around is someone I'm frogging!" I raise my voice in desperation.

His nostrils flare. "Don't talk like that, Cathina. You won't like me when I'm jealous."

"Are you serious? That wasn't you being jealous before? What are you going to do to me huh? Hulk smash me into the wall?"

I know I shouldn't tempt him, for tempting a man like Andy is like tempting a lion with a piece of meat.
Not a good idea.

"What am I going to do? Well I guess you're gonna find out, little one."


Ur fuckin welcome

If you listen to PYT during this scene it'll just make so much more sense.
Also I realised I said 'Peach out' last time by accident so I'm gonna keep up the tradition.

Peach out.

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