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Song- The Torture Doctor- Alkaline Trio



José air guitars to the opening riff of 'Bang Bang,' by Green Day. In his thrashing he elbows me in the chest, giving me an excuse to push him over and him, I, and Naomi start our own tiny Mosh Pit in my living room.

"GIVE ME DEATH OR GIVE ME HEAD," we all scream our favourite lyric of the whole song and then collapse in a heap of sweaty limbs on my floor.

"You stink," Naomi says under my armpit.

"Bitch," I mutter playfully as I untangle myself from my best friends. I check the time and see that our dance party had lasted over an hour. "Gonna shower... Please don't fuck in my living room. At least wait until AFTER the concert." They both smirk and I gag.

Yes, love is in the air. But all it can seem to do is make me choke. It was inevitable that Naomi and José got together. Bound to happen. I act happy but really... who would want their best friends to know about each other's butt birthmarks? Gross.

I've also decided not to tell Naomi about how José, being the horny Bisexual he is, used to have the biggest crush on her brother. After Chrissy moved away though, José finally got over it and accepted that it was never going to happen. Then he moved on to Naomi.

I start the water in my bathroom and allow myself an excited smile as I begin to shampoo my hair. I've been waiting months for this concert. And who knew my mom would let us drive all the way to New York overnight just to see it. I sure as hell didn't. But Fuck am I excited.

After my once-in-a-month leg shave, I exit the shower and peer at my self in the mirror. I am two months older than the me that peered at myself in the Woodworthy Manor mirror that snowy night with he-who-shall-not-be-named. Though I feel like a different person.

I dry my hair as quickly as I can and jauntily walk to my room, only to find Naomi and José doing the one thing I asked them not to do. 

"Oh my fuck! You guys!" I shield my eyes, but not before I catch sight of José's orgasm face.

I back away from the door, careful not to trip over anything. "On my fucking bed?!"


Finally, after half a day long drive, endless stupid puppy names from my friends, and at least twelve fast food stops, here we are. Clad in black and eager to get into the building. A lot of young punk looking kids, as well as older fans are all gathered outside in a chaotic line.

"Cath!" A familiar voice sounds from a distance and I turn to gaze toward the back of the line.

My history teacher stands with a lady about his age. Let me repeat this. My history teacher.

"Oh! Hey," I wave awkwardly. I smile politely at the lady and then turn to my friends. They see the look on my face and immediately burst into laughter.

My history teacher.

The line begins to move quicker the closer we get to the entrance of the building, and after about twenty agonizingly long minutes, we finally enter the building all bright eyed and bushy tailed.

The amount of people is astounding, more than I've ever seen at the same place in my life.

Fuck I need to get out more.

The concert isn't meant to start for another half hour, so José and Naomi make the decision to go get hotdogs. I don't purchase anything, instead decide to periodically glance at the hot guy with a lip piercing at the table on my left. He catches me looking at him and sends me a wink. I roll my eyes playfully and turn my attention back to my doe eyed friends. I tell them I'm going to go find a bathroom, and just like I predicted, they don't respond.

The lip piercing guy must have taken my absence as an invitation as I watch him out of the corner of my eye begin to approach me. My heart speeds. Guys don't usually take interests in my dull looks since... well you know.

"Hey," his voice is deep and he casually leans against the wall beside my waiting spot for the bathroom.
I cross my arms and lift an eyebrow. "Hi," he smirks at me.

"Green day fan are ya?" He's got a slight accent though I cant place it.

"How'd you guess?" I play along with his flirting.

He chuckles and I open my mouth to speak again when my eye catches something.

Something so terrifyingly beautiful that my mouth stays open as wide as a cave, it seems. I feel my hand brace the wall as my eyes do a sweep of the perimeter and then return to their previous destination. Just to make sure I'm not hallucinating.

"Hey! What's up with you?" The pierced man rudely snaps in my face. I pay no mind to him as the man in the distance turns around, confirming my hears desire.

Andy. Fucking beautiful Andy Garanov.

And he's looking right at me.

In that moment, a guitar riff starts and everyone in the waiting area all perk up. The concert has begun. Immediately people rush by in flocks like sheep, so aggressively that I even see one small man fall over and get stepped on. I've lost sight of my friends, but even worse I've lost sight of Andy.

I give up my hopeless searching and just go with the flow- literally. The crowd takes me into the performing area, where my biggest dream is fulfilled.

I shove my sighting to the back of my head. He hurt you too fucking much for you to be this enamored with him still.

I hastily find my seat in the dark, where Naomi and José greet me worriedly.

"Where the fuck did you go?" They ask. As if they fucking care.

I turn my attention to the opening band doing their best to give the crowd a good time and decide it's my best option to just get lost in the music.

Twenty minutes later, and that's exactly what we're doing. Screaming at the top of our lungs to Sixx Am's song Stars. Which is a bop in my opinion. I'd been so caught up in the melodic sound of live music, that even from our front row seats, as close to the Mosh Pit as possible, I hadn't noticed a pair of ice blue eyes watching me play air guitar.

Until now.

Oh shit Oh shit oh shit- fergie voice.

Guys I decided to update early because I'm stuck at my nanny and papa's house and I understand the weight of boredom that I must now bear so in case anybody is bored...

Peach out bitches 🍑

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