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His back hurts like a bitch and that's all he knows. He feels a soft hand at his head, almost as if she knows that his pounding headache can only be healed by her hands. He decides not to open his eyes for a few more moments, revelling in her warmth with his head on her lap. He feels the water under the both of them like a constant and never ending reminder of the danger they're in. He hears some whispers to his left where a few other survivors must be seated, but he doesn't care about them. He doesn't care about any of them when he knows he's once again put her in danger.

He feels her stroke at his face again, where weeks worth of not shaving has left facial hair all over his chin. He can't help his heart when it starts to beat faster.

A few minutes later, when he decides it's been too long he's allowed himself to be calm in her arms, he opens his eyes. She doesn't notice him at first, her gaze trained on the dark ocean to her right. He says her name roughly, his voice unable to produce much more. Her eyes snap to his and immediately the light returns.

"You snore, loudly," she imitates him like a pig. He holds back a caring smile, instead fixing her with a dull gaze. He watches as she gulps under his intense eyes.

"How long has it been?" He tries to get up but she holds him by the shoulders, forcing his head to stay on her lap.

"A while," she answers vaguely before returning her gaze to the ocean, where the sun has begun to show itself. "It's beautiful," she says. He agrees silently though he hasn't even glanced at the horizon.

When she finally allows him to rise from his laying position, he examines the raft completely. Two women huddle together to his right, too close to the edge to be safe. An older couple and what must be their son about his age sit a little closer to him. One lone man in his forties has his back to Andy as he watches the sun. Like this is some kind of cruise. None of the people have tried to talk to either of them.

"You should sleep," he lays out his long legs for her to place her head. She doesn't argue. Her now bright red hair falls over his lap as she lays her small head on his left thigh. Her eyes remain opened and he watches a tear fall onto his leg. Immediately he finds her hand, placed on his thigh, and pulls it onto his own. He intertwines their fingers and gives her hand a reassuring squeeze.

She's asleep less than a minute later.


He doesn't wake her when one of the women on the side falls into the water and doesn't reappear, he doesn't wake her when the old couple jump into the water together, unable to withstand the temperature. He tries not to wake her when he removes his leather jacket to cover her completely, leaving him in only a grey sweater, for he's been through worse.

He doesn't wake her when he finally spots land, many hours later.

He doesn't say a word to the remaining few passengers, deciding to let them figure it out on their own. A half an hour later he begins to see what must be a small village on the coast. Finally he decides to wake her.

He places his hand one her shoulder and shakes her as gently as he can. She won't budge. He shakes her harder until she finally opens her eyes lazily and drags her them to his own. He gazes at her for a moment before nodding his head towards the land, which is rapidly approaching. She pulls herself off his lap and he feels her absence like a missing limb.

He hears her exhale a sigh of relief as she turns back to him and gives him a dazzling smile. "Thank fucking god," she whispers to him and he can't help but grin back at her.


Ironically, south France is exactly where they ended up. And Cathina would not let him forget it after their little fight. 'I don't care if it's Florida or fucking south France..." she had said.

When they reached land an hour later, Andy got off the raft into the marginally warmer water and pulled the thing until he hit steady ground. He helps her out easily, and has to stop himself from letting his hands linger on her hips. Many people come to their aid, as they seemed to have washed up in a private beach of all places. Andy quickly rushes her away from all the attention, as he fears that her face might soon be televised for more of Jeremy Ritter's men to see. Hopefully he might catch wind that the boat he sent two of his henchman has sunk.

He notices how torn and soaked her clothes are, and even with the leather jacket and much warmer temperatures, she shakes uncontrollably.

"What... now?" She asks almost sadly.

He slows to a stop and looks her deep in the eyes, trying to convey to her how apologetic he is. She doesn't seem to get the message. He considers touching her face, wanting more than anything to comfort her, though he doesn't. Instead he reaches into the pocket of the leather jacket on her shoulders and pulls out a wad of cash. He counts it under her weary eyes and finds about 140 dollars.

The day is only halfway over though he feels like it's been a lifetime since they landed on that raft.

He peers at the small town, most are shack-like buildings facing the ocean. Some gift shops litter the ocean front and the sunny day has brought many tourists to the water. They stand at the sand for minutes, absorbing the new town and helplessly thinking of what to do.

"I speak French you know..." she offers up. He doesn't acknowledge her though he thanks the gods for her big beautiful brain. They would be helpless without it.

After a minute or two he decides that he has sulked enough and needs to find a place to stay. He glances at her again and begins walking toward the busy streets of the town.

"What do we do now?" She repeats her question as she tries to keep up with him.

"We start a life," he says with his gaze forward.


Song: Be Still- The Killers

^only because this chapter was so fucking sad to write and I don't even kno why man

Fuckin peach 🍑

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