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She's asleep two minutes later.

Which is the same amount of time it took him to discard his used condom and wash his hands and she's out like a light. Andy's heart swells at the sight of her, the conked out manor in which her body lays on the ground. For a moment he stands, admiring her body as her breasts rise and fall in her sleep. Her hourglass shape is so appealing to him all of a sudden that he has to look away to prevent another hard on. She's not ready to do it again, no doubt sore all over. He fears bruises might appear at her hips or thighs where he gripped her too hard.

He pulls a towel from the rack in the bathroom and cleans the blood on the carpet as best as he can after he's gently lifted her into the bed and under the sheets, naked and all. He can tell she isn't completely asleep, especially when she mutters a "Love you, Candy." To which he hoped she meant Andy but wouldn't be surprised if she actually meant 'Candy'.

He means to join her in the bed, press himself against her naked body with his own and sleep next to her through the night and the morning. But when his cellphone begins vibrating in his discarded pants pocket he curses and moves to answer it.

The caller ID is blocked, but he has a feeling he knows who it is. When he answers it, he doesn't say a thing, instead waiting for the man on the other end of the line speak first. The voice is deep, but it doesn't scare him when it questions- "Pistol?"

Pistol, his name from another life. So long ago that he almost doesn't recognize it.

"Yes," he says deeply after a moment of hesitation. He hastily pulls his sweatpants on and gives Cathina one last glance before exciting the room to the brisk air.

"It's Kylo. Jordan I mean... Don't hang up we need to speak," Andy clutches the phone hard when his name is uttered through the line, every muscle in his body tensing as if he is about to begin a match. Andy doesn't hang up, instead giving his very old friend another chance to drag his sorry ass out of yet another mess.

Kylo sighs on the other end of the line. "We were friends once, if you can remember that," he reminds Andy. Of course Andy can remember, because how could he forget those impossible days in the facility, barely holding on to sanity as he was slowly being pulled back to reality by his closest friend there; a much younger Kylo Ren.

Andy doesn't speak again until Kylo's voice starts.

"I've been a douche, a flaming pile of douche monkey dicks. To you and to that girl that we both lusted after. I heard The Boss found out about her so you took her out of the country. I don't know where you are but I just needed to pay my apologies to an old friend, Andy," he confesses.

"I knew jealousy would always get the best of you," Andy says out of spite. He's angry although underneath it he can't help but wonder how exactly Kylo achieved said information.

"Of course it would... You were the best, you were my role model. I want to make amends... I want to help," Kylo sounds almost desperate. Andy has never seen him like this before.

"How did you get this number, Kylo?" He questions after a moment of silence.

Ky chuckles naturally, "don't you remember? All those times The Boss was training you to kill, he was also training me to hack... don't you remember what they called us? 'The Brawn and the Brains'... or was it the 'Brawn and the Beauty...?'" He laughs again at his joke.

"I've chosen to forget," Andy says coldly.

"Oh believe me brother, so have I," he says with his usual dramatic flare.

"I though we agreed that we would never speak again," Andy growls into the phone. He is frustrated with trying to decide whether to trust his old friend or not.

"Yes we did. But I want to help, I want to help you because it could have been me in that very situation," he says in almost a whisper.

"Cathina was never going to go for you," Andy relays without emotion.

"Ouch," Kylo says although he doesn't sound hurt at all.

"What do you want Jordan? What help can you offer us that I can't supply on my own?"

"I know a place... it's safe and I have friends there as well. Believe or not but they are all innocent people running from mafia gangs like Jeremy's. I stayed there a year after the facility."

Andy processes the information, his heart hammering in his chest as he thinks of the girl sleeping through the door beside him.

"Please let me help Andy. I still care about what happens to Cathina no matter if you want to bash my face in for saying it... " Kylo trails off.

"I can't trust you. What makes you think I'll believe that this place is real at all?" Andy questions angrily.

"Because I am giving you a brothers word, Andrew. Remember being young and naive in the Facility? Remember all those nights we vowed to have each other's back? Well this is me keeping that vow. I am a man of my word."

Andy clenches the phone so hard in his hand that he fears it might crack. Not that he would be complaining if it meant he wouldn't have to face the turmoil in his brain.

"I cant trust you after what happened. What makes you think I could," Andy growls into the phone. His fists unclench when the woman in the motel room beside theirs exits the building and gives him a flirty nod. He doesn't nod back.

"I'm sorry. I've apologized before and I will apologize again. When I left that night, I thought it was bravery but now I know better than to call it that. When I left you at the Facility to deal with The Boss, it was the most cowardly thing I've done in my life."

Andy thinks of being beaten, whipped, starved in the weeks that followed Kylo's escape. He remembers the nights of being a puddle of starved bones and skin while Jeremy himself stood over him and spit on his body repeatedly just for being associated with a traitor. Andy vowed he would never forgive his friend, and he knows he just can't bring himself to start on this day, nine years later.

"Goodbye Kylo," he says with malice.

"You won't be able to protect her forever," Andy can hear the sneer in his old friends voice.

He ends the call before chucking the cellphone as hard as he can in the direction of the near empty parking lot. He needs to hold her, to know that she is safe as long as he's with her and to know that she is happy with her new life. He reminds himself that she loves him, even for the monster he is, and that he should tell her of the call with Kylo the minute he enters the room. But he can't bring himself to bring up bad memories of her past, as much as he can't bring himself to admit that he might not be able to protect her all on his own.

Kylo's words of warning ring through Andy's mind even as he lays next to her, engulfing himself in her small body as he lays his head by her breast.

He will do everything it takes to keep her safe, no matter the cost.




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