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It had been three years. Three long, arduous, tiring and most of all painful, years since the death of the new generation of Jedi. 

The dust swirled around Neri'el's feet as she effortlessly swung her lightsaber this way and that. If one was to see her practicing one would almost wonder if she was dancing. The way her body moved, flourishing her lightsaber in elegant strokes and the intransient look on the girl's face made it almost seem to be a complicated dance routine.

"That's enough."

Neri'el stopped and with a final flourish, placed her lightsaber on her belt. She silently walked over to Tekka and nodded in respect.

"There is something I have neglected to tell you, Child," Tekka said slowly.

He had both his hands clasped and rested against his midsection and kept his eyes downcast. His grey eyes followed the sand dancing in the wind at his feet as Neri'el stepped forward.

"What is it, Tekka?" She asked softly.

"You," Tekka paused and closed his eyes tightly, "You had better come inside."

Fear rose within the girl but she pressed it down. Fear led to Hate and Hate to the Dark Side. She mustered her strength and followed Tekka into the large tent.

Once they had both sat down across from one another, Tekka spoke.

"After the Empire fell it seemed that the Rebel Alliance won. It was thought that they would rise to power and remove the Empire's vice on the galaxy. However it was not to be."

"The Senate," Neri'el said quietly. She had heard this all before. Master Luke had thought it useful for the students to be aware of their galaxy's history along with the art of the Force.

Tekka nodded solemnly.

"Indeed. The Senate bickered back and forth until a new Empire rose. They were deceived by a being known as Supreme Leader Snoke. Snoke convinced the Senate to allow him to rule the Galaxy through subtle manipulation. He created The First Order," Tekka said slowly.

Neri'el nodded and didn't bother to hide her disgust at the name. The First Order. The organization that killed her parents. A demonic group bent on conquering the galaxy and murdering anyone who stood in their way.

"He also helped to bring The Knights of Ren to light."

Neri'el's brow furrowed.

Tekka noticed and swallowed hard.

"The Knights of Ren are much like the Sith of the past," he explained slowly.

Neri'el's eyes hardened at the mention of the group.

"They are led by one called Kylo Ren," Tekka continued as he closed his eyes tiredly.

Neri'el inwardly recoiled at the memory of the masked man wielding the scarlet saber. She swallowed her fear, allowing it to simmer in her stomach for a moment before speaking.

"Are they Force Sensitive?"

Tekka nodded, keeping his eyes closed.

"Yes and with the addition of Snoke's army, they pose as a formidable force," Tekka finished softly.

Neri'el sat back, pondering this new information. A new questioned rose to her lips and she opened her mouth.

"May I ask you a question?"

The corners of Tekka's mouth twitched as he peered back at her.

"I believe you just did, Young One," he smiled before nodding his assent.

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