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The pain Neri'el had expected, never came. Instead she felt the metal of the restraints go hot then fall from her wrists. The metal hit the floor still sizzling. Neri'el cried out as a splatter of warm liquid hit her in the chest. The putrid stench of blood rose to her nostrils, making her to gag.

"Be quiet!" Kylo's harsh voice snarled in her ear.

She gasped loudly and his gloved hand covered her mouth. Her green eyes widened in shock as she saw a blood splattered vial in his other hand.

This was not an execution. It was a rescue.

Neri'el stared up at him but couldn't see through the black slits of his mask. She gasped as he pulled out a syringe from the folds of his cloak. He glanced at it briefly before plunging it into Neri'el's arm.

She cried out in surprise but the noise slowly dissolved into a weak groan. Neri'el slumped forwards but two arms caught her, holding her upright.

A fog appeared in Neri'el's mind and her focus shifted. Kylo's silver mask wavered in her vision like a cloud. She vaguely sensed weightlessness as her body was lifted upwards. She stared up at the mask, trying to see past it to her friend.

"Ben?" she asked timidly. She stretched a hand out towards the mask but let it drop to her chest. Her eyes were suddenly too heavy to stay open.

"GM-0220! HM-0219! Get in here!" A distant voice roared.

It was getting harder and harder to stay awake. Drowsiness had flooded Neri'el's entire body, her slow heart beat gently lulling her to sleep.

As the door slid open, Neri'el's head fell limply against Kylo's chest.

* * * * *

She awoke to a beautiful blue sky and soft grass beneath her. Confusion sparked within her as she sat up. Neri'el realized with a jolt that she was in the Jedi Temple courtyard. Blinking, she glanced around at her surroundings. The courtyard of the temple was filled with luscious green grass, untouched by flames or blood. It was so unlike when she had left it.

Her heart stopped.

Her eyes had fallen on a lone Jedi practicing her lightsaber skills in the courtyard. Her purple lightsaber twirled, jabbed and flew through the air in simple yet precise strikes. Black braids whipped through the air as the Jedi executed a perfect flip. She landed with both feet firmly on the ground, her lightsaber hilt at her waist.

Jempa finished her exercises and breathed out tiredly. She turned to look around the courtyard and her jaw dropped.

Neri'el felt tears begin to swim in her eyes as the girl raced over, screaming,


No scars nor burns were evident on the child. Jempa's sweet laugh filled Neri'el's ears as she wrapped her arms around her apprentice, sobbing with joy.

"YOU MADE IT! YOU MADE IT!" Jempa shrieked happily, pulling away to stare at Neri'el. Her violet eyes glowed with happiness. In an instant, she leapt back into Neri'el's arms.

Neri'el felt the joyful tears stream down her cheeks as she clutched the girl.

"I missed you so much!" Jempa whispered happily in her ear.

Another sob was wrenched from Neri'el and she buried her face into Jempa's shoulder. Her tears soaked the girl's robes but she didn't seem to mind.

"There are other people here wanting to see you too!" Jempa said enthusiastically. She pulled away from the woman but kept her hand firmly within Neri'el's.

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