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"He's here."

Neri'el's head jerked up from its previous position in the cup of her hand. She quickly rubbed the sleep from her eyes and stood. A yawn escaped her lips as she stretched within the small tent. After a few quick steps, she was outside beside Tekka.

The Resistance had not given any inclination of what time, the pair were supposed to expect this Poe Dameron. Therefore Neri'el and Tekka had spent the whole day on edge, watching the skies for star ships. Neri'el even managed to bribe a couple of the village children to watch for the ship however nothing had been found. The sky was dark now, scattered with glittering stars like freckles across a child's nose. The thick canvas of the tent waved lazily in the slight wind behind her.

The sliding noise of boots on sand claimed her attention and Neri'el tore her gaze from the starry sky.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" a young voice asked.

Neri'el glanced at the visitor and raised an eyebrow.

The man was tall with black hair that gently crested his forehead. He had a square face and dark eyes. His flight uniform was bright orange with white padding across his chest. A quirky grin crawled its way onto his lips as he studied Neri'el.

"But I think the stars have some competition with someone as beautiful as you," he said grinning.

A burning sensation filled Neri'el's cheeks as she continued to stare at the man. Her left hand immediately sought out its counterpart for something to grab. Pain flew up her right arm as she dug her fingernails into it.

"Poe Dameron," the man grinned as he held out a bronzed hand to the girl.

"Neri'el Aspenstra," she replied in a quiet voice as he took her hand in his.

His hand was rough but not too rough as he shook her soft one.

She closed her eyes for a moment and sifted through his mind to find proof of his identity. Blurry images of a man flying an X wing came into view soon followed by a boy with a familiar grin shaking hands with Princess Leia appeared and Neri'el quickly closed her mind. He was innocent and more importantly, part of the Resistance.

Poe blinked in surprise as she pulled her hand away from his and opened his mouth but Tekka cut him off.

"So, you are the one we have been waiting for," the old man said slowly, "I am Lor San Tekka."

Poe swallowed his words and turned to Tekka with his signature grin.

"Nice to meet you, Tekka. I'm Poe," he smiled. Something hit his leg and he glanced down.

Neri'el followed his gaze and nearly jumped. She had completely missed the little circular droid that had climbed through the sand after its master. It was white with orange circles and had little black sensors built in. Two tiny antennas stuck out from its little dome shaped head.

It beeped, sarcastically thanking Poe for introducing it.

"Sorry, buddy," Poe said rolling his eyes, "Tekka, Neri, this is BB-8. He's a sensitive little bugger."

BB-8 let off a bunch of angry loud beeps at this and Neri'el clapped a hand over her mouth to contain her laughter at the little droid.

"What did he say?" Tekka asked curiously.

"He said it's nice to meet you both," Poe replied in a testy voice as he glared at BB-8 who peered up at him.

No I did not, BB-8 beeped back, I said-

"Anyway," Poe interrupted quickly, "I think you had something to show me?"

"Ah yes," Tekka nodded, "This way."

He held the canvas to the tent open and ushered the group inside. BB-8 grumbled to himself as he whirred inside and Poe gave him a cheerful little kick.

"Shut up," he said in an undertone to the droid.

You shut up.

"BB-8, I'm warning you-"

La, la, la, I'm not listening! I'm not listening!

Neri'el bit her lip trying not to laugh as the man and droid began bickering.

Poe glanced at her and BB-8 peered up at her.

Who's this?

"Weren't you listening at all?" Poe said in exasperation, "This is the Jedi Knight-"

Jedi? I thought they were all dead.

"Not yet, friend," Neri'el said softly.

BB-8 seemed surprised that she understood what he said and glanced between her and Poe.

"That's why," Poe said, taking advantage of his droid's silence, "we're taking her back to base after this."

Where's she gonna sit? The roof? BB-8 chuckled to himself.

Poe glared at him.

"It's a dual seater, Stubby."

BB-8 bumped Poe's shin.

We agreed to never call me that again.

Poe made a skeptical face.

"No," he said slowly, "You told me not to call you that. But I ignored you, Stubby."

BB-8 was silent for a bit before speaking again as Tekka entered the tent.

I hate you.

Tekka looked paler than normal as he sent Neri'el a worried look and took a deep breath.

"Please forgive my momentary absence. A friend has just informed me that First Order ships have entered our atmosphere so we very little time," he said quickly.

Poe's smile vanished and was replaced by composed determination. He stood up straight and nodded at Tekka. He extended an open palm towards the older man.

"The map?"

Tekka nodded and swiftly undid his pouch by his side to hand over the small cartridge. He briefly turned it on to display the brilliant stars on the holographic projector.

Poe's eyes widened as he stared in awe at the sudden lights. He tilted his head this way and that trying to drink it all in.

BB-8 whirred from down below as he scooted around across the sand, scanning the stars for a pattern.

"There, is the path to Luke Skywalker," Neri'el explained pointing out a small almost indistinguishable mark that cut across the galaxy.

Poe's dark eyes followed the line and narrowed slightly as he concentrated.

A sudden sense of foreboding flooded Neri'el's senses and she bent over double clutching her head. Her metal leg stood fast while her normal leg quivered under the strain. Hot flashes of pain circulated her body through her mind and she gasped.

"Neri'el?" Poe said worriedly as he placed a gentle arm on her shoulder.

She blinked up at him feeling the darkness seep out of her. Immediately she turned to Tekka, eyes wide.

"The First Order is here."

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