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Look I drew something else! 🤗

It had been four days since Neri'el had been admitted into the medical bay. In that time, she had grown to be a fast friend of the loose tongued Astrid which proved to most valuable. Astrid had told her that The First Order was preparing for a huge attack. She didn't know much but she thought it had something to do with "The Weapon". Astrid would have to talk in an undertone every time she spoke to Neri'el about different matters due to Olga's animosity towards speaking to "patients" about anything besides their treatment.

Today would mark the second to last day of Neri'el's time in the med bay. Astrid had promised to visit her outside of work whenever she had the time and Neri'el had thanked her.

"It'll be, probably, but don't quote me on this," Astrid began in an undertone as she pretended to fix Neri'el's I.V. "Around a fortnight from now. Maybe in like two Tridays," She whispered as she glanced over her shoulder at Olga.

Olga's grey eyes narrowed at the girls and both Astrid and Neri'el quickly looked away. The quick footsteps of the older woman filled the room as came over and stood beside Astrid.

"What are you doing, Astrid?"

Astrid swallowed nervously, her poisonous green eyes staring directly at the white floor tiles. She bit her lip and answered in a quiet voice that she was checking Neri'el's blood pressure.

"With the I.V.?" Olga asked, sarcasm thick in her tone of voice.

"Y-yes Ma'am."

"Don't stutter when you're talking to me," Olga reprimanded crisply.

"No Ma'am."

"Go back to your station, you stupid girl," Olga muttered, "And don't get on that tablet of yours."

Her grey eyes were filled with fire and the girl before her quivered, tears welling in her eyes. Astrid practically ran over to her desk and sat down looking away from the other two women.

"Foolish girl," muttered Olga as she began pushing buttons to check on Neri'el's vitals. She soon bent over and inspected Neri'el's healing shoulder. The laser mark was merely a scar now thanks to the brilliant technology in the med bay. Satisfied, the old woman stood straight and brushed off her grey uniform.

"You should not tell her she is stupid," Neri'el said quietly.

Olga started.

Ever since the first day, Neri'el had not spoken to the older woman. She had remained silent as the grave.

Olga quickly got over her surprise and regained her blunt attitude.

"She must be reminded of what is evident," Olga sniffed as she turned to walk away.

Neri'el shot out her hand and grabbed the woman's wrist.

Olga turned back around and opened her mouth to rebuke the younger woman but stopped when she saw the determination blazing in the young woman's gaze.

"If you keep telling her she is stupid, she will not learn nor will she aspire to do better. If you are her 'mentor', you will show a little more respect for the student in your care," Neri'el said in an even voice, yet her eyes spoke volumes.

Olga stared down at the woman, half tempted to slap her. But she didn't. She saw the truth in the blonde's words. The words were wiser beyond the girl's years. It surprised the old woman.

"Perhaps I will," Olga replied coolly, pulling her wrist free from Neri'el's grip.

Neri'el watched her as she walked over towards the younger nurse. They traded a few words in undertones and several times she saw Astrid's eyes flick over towards her. Finally they finished and, when Olga's back was turned, Astrid mouthed "Thank you" to Neri'el.

A small smile crossed the girl's lips but vanished instantly as the door to the med bay slid open with a hiss.

A black cloaked figure entered, with his hands balled into fists at his sides.

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