Chapter 6

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"Help!" a person yelled just nearby. The six of us turned to where we think we heard the voice and rushed out to help.

There was huge huge hole below us. We could barely see the bottom of it. The others looked at each other confused. Who or what could have caused this huge whole? There was no ladder nearby or rope even. So how did that person get there? He sounds fine, he doesn't sound like he broke anything. I looked back to the others and saw how confused they were just as I was.

"Are you okay?" Anna was the first one to try and help. The six of us had a bad feeling about this. It might be some sort of trap and if it was who do these people intend to trap?

"Yeah! I just need some help to get out of here!" the man yelled with his voice echoing toward us.

"How did you get there in the first place?" Alex asked while he yells back to the man in the deep pit.

"I don't know! I just woke up here!" the man yells back toward us.

"Did you dig this place?" Alex questions.

"Can you please just get me out first and then we can talk?" the man reasoned and we all looked at each other but nodded in agreement to help the guy out. Sylvia took out her whip and pulled the man out of the pit.

"Now, tell us what happened," Alex commanded. I sighed and held Alex back telling him by my action that he is going too far but then the man started to laugh and attacked Sylvia. She fell into the pit and all of us backed away.

"Don't get in my way, I still have all of that rage from when Kai gave up way too soon," Anna smirked and the four of us backed away and tried to help Sylvia get out but she managed to get out by herself with her dagger.

Sylvia ran towards the man and punched him as hard as she could with all of her rage. Anna got pissed by that and took it all out on the man also.

"This is my fight Sylvia!" Anna argued.

"He kicked me into the pit!!" Sylvia argued back as the both of them beat up the man until he could barely move.

"I feel bad for the dude," Alex commented.

"He deserved it," Laux sighed and crossed his arms.

"We were freaking out over nothing, he's just an idiot," I spoke up and stretched my arms.

"Why is there a hole here though?" Alex asked in curiosity.

"I don't even care anymore," I softly gave myself a face palm and sighed.

There then suddenly appeared lots of people just like how it was in the forest.

"Let Anna handle this on her own," I announced and everyone seemed to agree and we all hid behind a tall boulder to shield us from her attacks.

Anna is a long-ranged fighter. Anyone who is inside her 30 meter circle will be affected by her physical attacks. But when she uses her sniper, no one can hide from her.

"I'll take my time here," Anna smiled at us and jumped up the air and used her needle rain attack. Some people dodged the attack and some people were hit on one of their pressure points.

The enemies got her trapped in their circle and they all threw ninja stars or kunais and others used their guns. Anna grinned and took back her needles that she threw and made a shield out of needles.

"Just how many needles does she have?" Laux asked calmly.

"A lot, she also has different sizes of needles depending on how big or small the enemy is. Every time she uses needle rain, anyone who won't be able to dodge it will get hit on one of their pressure points," Sylvia explained "and you know how Lucia was able to hold Alex back with a single thread of string that was almost invisible?" Sylvia continued.

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