Chapter 3

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"Brother, where are we going?" the girl asked worriedly as a boy was grabbing her by the wrist and dragging her around to somewhere.

"You'll see soon! It's a surprise so close your eyes!" the boy sounded so happy.

Wait..., Where is this?

I looked down to my hands and saw that I was translucent. I looked to where the kids were and they looked familiar. I got closer and I saw two little kids laughing and playing together.

"But I'll fall if I do that!" the little girl complained.

"Don't worry! Big brother will protect you no matter what! You just have to trust me, that's a promise!" the little boy gave the little girl a thumbs up and a grin.

"Okay! I trust you brother, so I will close my eyes," the little girl did as she was told and the little boy guided her through the rough road ahead.

W-what is this place? Its all so familiar. Who are those kids? Why am I here?

"Don't go there!" I yelled to the kids not knowing what I was doing "NO!! GO BACK!! DON'T GO THERE! STOP! THERE'S A DEMON THERE!!" I tried to run after the kids but then a huge monster appeared and the boy stared in fear.

"Luci, don't look okay! Don't ruin the surprise," the little boy tried to cover the truth.

"HE'S LYING!! OPEN YOUR EYES!!" I yelled to the little girl but nothing was happening.

The demon got close to the boy and whispered some words. The boy nodded slowly and then the demon faded away.

"Y-you can open your eyes now,"




My eyes opened and I saw Anna in front of me. I rose up too quickly and hurt my abdomen.

"Be careful! I just changed your bandages an hour ago. I don't want your wound to open up again like last time," Anna laid me back down on the bed slowly but she still had a soft warm smile.

"A-Anna," tears began to swell up in my eyes and I used my palm to hold back the tears but it wasn't working.

"It's alright, you're not alone," Anna stroked my hair and watched me cry.

"I t-thought you were gone," I said between sniffles.

"MmMm, I believe in you. You made all of us a promise," Anna smiled and stopped stroking my hair. She helped me up again to sit on the bed so that I could eat.

"How long have I been out?" I asked her while I sip on a soup that Anna made. It was bitter making me clench my fist and hold back a headache.

"I know, it tastes bad but it'll help you," Anna smiled wryly "you've been out for about four days. You shouldn't have used so much blood," Anna sighed.

"Still the mom you are as ever," I joked around. Anna chuckled.

"I thought you would change ever since you know who left," Anna said softly, worried if I still wasn't ready to talk about him yet.

"I did change. There are two voices inside of my head right now," that made Anna chuckle.

"I'm supposed to be the crazy one here, remember?"

"Oh shut up," I chuckled softly "I actually just had a dream about him," I sighed.

"Its not your fault. It was his own choice and don't hate him for trying to protect you. It was the demon," Anna said worriedly and I sighed.

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