Chapter 10. Escaped

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“Zarachael!” He yelled my name.

His voice sounded so reassuring, it always did, but I doubted that this time it would have been any different. He would have been everywhere for me but my savior wasn’t going to save me this time.

I took in a breath and prepared myself for the pain, I was going to die like this. Nothing had been accomplished in my life, and I was going to die right here.

He was close now. I stiffened my neck and held my breath.

Only seconds past when a loud thud sounded out from behind the chair. I slowly opened my eyes to the single light and gradually lowered my head. Shin stood in front of me with his sword clung onto one hand with blood drooling from it.

“Zarachael.” He whispered my name.

He dropped his sword and held my face within his palms, “Zarachael, why you?”

He hesitantly came forward, closing the space between our lips. I could feel the same hesitation as he did. My stomach began to churn and my heart began to thump, but I couldn’t.

“Please Shin, get me out of here.”

He stopped and lowered his eyes, “Okay.”

He carried me on his back and made his way from the small village in no time. Screams and cries from women and children sounded from the village, it was probably when the explosion occurred.

We were further away from the village when he placed me down. We were near a clearing.

Blood covered most of his vest and neck from the wounds that were placed on me. He reached for his vest pocket and pulled out multiple bandages.

“I’ll be back, I’ll just get some clean water, please stay here Zarachael.”

I smiled and gave a little soft mumble. He smiled back and went off to find water.

I placed my hands together, “Release.”

I felt my body heat up and my vision became unclear, my breaths soon became shorter and the cuts on my body began to ache even more. I barley had the strength to get onto my feet but with sheer will I brought myself up. I wobbled past the trees and guided myself to the clearing. The clearing was covered with long green grass that swayed cunning to the wind. I smiled at the sight and dragged myself towards it. I lifted my hands to the height of the grass and ran my fingers over the tips. I kept walking until I couldn’t go any further. My body stumbled to the ground and laid there for a while before turning over. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath.

There was a distant voice calling out my name, but I could move, I was probably too weak. I smiled at the sight and closed my eyes. To be here was probably the best way to go, to have been through so little but to die in a place like this would have to be enough.

“Let me go please, I need to save my mother!” The boy didn’t turn around, nor did he let go.

I tried pulling away from his grasp but with each tug his hand became firm and tight. We were running past houses and the night sky was lite with glimmering stars.

“If I let you go back, you will die…”

I glared at him in shock, did he actually speak for the first time? I stopped jerking and followed him with no hesitation.

“Zarachael! Zarachael! Wait for me, don’t leave me!”

I turned to the voice and there stood Shin, he was a young boy too. I gazed at him in horror as he was covered in blood, blood that was not his own. He began running after me and soon started to catch up. The boy who had held onto me turned around and stood between me and Shin.

He pulled out his short sword and held it to Shin’s face. I stood there quietly and held one of my hands over my mouth in terror.

Were they going to fight before me?

There was a smell of fire in the air, and a crackling sound that came from beside me. My cold body reacted to this warmth and I opened my eyes cautiously. I turned my head to the side and saw a small camp fire burning bright. I stared at the fire for a short while before attempting to sit up.

“Don’t move Zarachael, just stay where you are...”

I had only gotten up to my elbows before listening to what he had said.

Shin had bandaged each serious wound well but left the shallow ones to heal on its own. We were further away now, nowhere near the valley but now beside a mountain. The night sky glimmered with stars and crickets sounded the night away.

“There was no need for you to have saved me Shin…” I turned my head and faced the other way, “I was prepared to have died. That’s a ninja’s duty.”

“You’re not a ninja. You’re an innocent woman caught up in the middle of a li-” He cut off and hesitated, “Don’t say such things.”

What was he about to say? Not caring at what pain I was in, I sat up right, “What did you say?” I turned to face him.

We stared at each other for a long minute before he broke off the eye contact between us, “Just get some rest, you need it.” He stood up and stared down at the fire.

“No!” I stood onto my feet and limped over to him weakly, “Tell me now Shin, what were you going to say?”

I grabbed onto his collar and shifted him closer to me, “Tell me!”

Tears began to well up as I repeated myself, “Tell me!”

I began to shake him and repeated myself over as he stood there frozen. My voice cracked and tears fell from my eyes, “Have you been lying to me too Shin, this whole village was just a place that kept me locked away for nothing!”

He gripped onto my wrist and caressed me tight within his arms, “I’m sorry.”

I pulled myself away from him and slapped him across his face. He held onto my face and leaned in forward, but I stared at him in disbelief.

“Why?” He stopped and with that he let go completely.

He turned his back towards me and made his way past the trees and into the forest. I cried aloud and fell onto my knees, planting my face into my palms. Why had he fallen beyond my needs and lie to me. I thought of him wrong. Yes, nothing could have ever happened between us. He was just another subordinate to the Village Leader. No, that couldn’t be it, why was he helping me then. I was confused at what he was doing and I sat there crying.

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