Chapter 7

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It's Saturday. I want to go shopping. Yeah. Bethany is away. Poppy is at her dads and Liv and Lillie HATE shopping with a passion. Mum it is then.
I text her.

Hey mum. Fancy going shopping after you finish work? If not I'll get the bus and go on my own x

Hi honey! I'd love to come. I'll finish this piece of work and I'll be home. Make sure you're ready. Love you x

Okay so I'm going shopping with my mum. I don't mind it, it's like quality time without quality. It's where I get really stressed out because she tried to make me try on colourful shit and dresses and skirts.
Jeans. I need more jeans! What colour and style you may ask? And I'm answer to your question (I don't care if your rhetorically asked) black skinny jeans. Oh, I might mix it up today... Throw in some rips in the knees here and there.

But this, is where my day went down hill. Completely.

I should probably have muted his messages while I could. Oops.

I'm trying to have a nice shower with my twenty one pilots and panic! at the disco playlist but no. With the amount of times Josh has spammed my messages I can barely here the music over the water anymore. Rolling my eyes I wash off the body soap and reach for a towel. 20 messages. Fucking 20. Why, why can't Josh just wait until I finish my nicely nice shower and wait for a reply and then have a conversation if he wants.

I want to ask you something
It's not weird
Answer me
I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today
Like go to mine
But only us 2
I would love it it you could
Answer then
Stop ignoring me
Do you hate me lol

Yep that's all he wanted to ask. Dumb fuck.

I reply politely.

Hey Josh. I'm sorry but I can't hang out today. If arranged something with mum. And by the way, I was busy. don't spam me

Well can't you do that with your mum a different time.

Not really. Sorry Josh. I gotta go

But Elle

No Josh. I said I'm sorry and I can't come

I bet your not even going out with your mum

I'll give you fucking proof if I have to

Fine. Just to humour me, send a picture of you sat on the floor in a shop.

Will do

Fucking idiot. How can someone be so suspicious at doubting that I'm not going shopping with my mum just to avoid spending time with him.

I didn't even want to go anywhere with him anyway. Go to his house? Just us two? I'm not stupid! I'm glad I organised that before he messaged me.


So I was wondering around the shops. I sat on the floor, in a mirror, took a picture. This is pathetic honestly.
I managed to spend about £100 on clothes... Oops.
Me and mum actually had a nice time. We got some food and stuffs it was nice.
Oh yeah and I bought jeans. 3 pairs. I have absolutely no shame.
We got to the checkout in a shop with mum next to me.
Woman: "okay so that all comes to £134.85 then please"
Mum: "ELLE WARREN how can you possibly spend so much"
Me: "oh well"

I handed the woman my card. Forgot my fucking pin because... I... Elle... Is very stupid.

"Is your card contactless? The machine is?" The woman suggested.
"Oh yeah! Thank you so much!" I hovered my card over the screen and it accepts. My jeans have been saved.

I've had my PIN number for 3 years and I still manage to forget it. I'm surprised I haven't lost my card or lost my card that happens to be in my phone case and then lost all, phone, card, phone case. Wow! Don't jinx it.

I will not loose my card and phone.
I will not loose my card and phone.
I will not loose my card and phone.
I will not loose my card and phone. 

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