Chapter 10

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For my experiences yesterday, I get a feeling today will be good. I just have a gut feeling that everything will be chill and my teachers won't shout at me or give me homework. I'll get ready without stress. My favourite lessons are today. I'm good.

6:50 my alarm hasn't gone off yet. I'm awake. Wide awake.
So, I head out of my bed to the bathroom where I proceed to take a shower. I shave my legs carefully. Washing my hair making sure I leave the conditioner in long enough for my hair to flow and shine.
It's now 7:08am and I need to dry and straighten my hair. I dry my hair upside down to add volume to the roots so it doesn't look flat and gross.
My next thing is to tackle the natural curls and waves that run through my hair when it's wet and then gets dry. I straighten my fringe forwards then sideways, down wards, up wards, forwards again until it shapes over the top of my eyebrow and curves around my face to add more definition.
I walk over to check my time table again for today. Decent day. I start to get my school clothes on.
Placing my towel over my shoulders and on my shirt collar just to avoid makeup stains. Applying makeup is always the longest thing to do and includes concentration and patience... In which I have no patience and I can't concentrate on anything.
Firstly I apply my lasting makeup moisturiser and blend into my neck and face.
Secondly I apply foundation to my brush and blend all the way in. Around my hair line and neck making sure there's no foundation line like some other girls in my school.
Thirdly it's concealer. I strike the wand along under my eyes making a highlighting triangle, along the bridge of my nose and chin. Then with a non-highlighting concealer I go over any spots or blemishes. Blend that in too.
Fourth it's the eyebrow filler. Shaping the bottom for a perfect fine line. Then the ends and sides. Finally giving a slight shape at the front.
Now for mascara... A few strokes of that on my tiny eyelashes make a big difference. I always get told off for my mascara though.
Last but most certainly not least, bronzer. I blend in along my cheekbones and the tops of my forehead.

My makeup is good to go. It's 8:15am now and I have 15 minutes until I leave to meet Poppy at the bridge. Halfway in-between my house and school.

I top up my water bottle and put it in my bag. Slinging my blazer over my shoulder, turn the TV off and lock up the house.

I text mum.

Hey mum. Just letting you know I've left the house and locked the doors x

Hi darling. There might be a chance I'm home early tonight so we can see each other for more than one hour tonight x

Ohh YEY! I'm meeting Poppy now x

Okay honey, have a great day and I'll see you tonight my lovely xxx

Bye mum.

*texts end*

Finally!!! I knew it would be a good day! I get to spend time with mum tonight!!! I'm so excited.

I watch Poppy walk round the corner. I can't contain my excitement. I love spending time with mum.
"Poppy!!!!! You'll never guess what!?"

"You finally got a boyfriend?" Classic Poppy, classic.

"Fuck you" i laugh "noo! Mums home early tonight! I can spend time with her!!!" I say grabbing hold of Poppy's hands to wave them in the hair.

"Ohh YEY! Tell mum I said hi!"

We weren't silent on the way to school. Considering we see and talk to each other almost everyday. We have a lot to say to each other. 

We finally reach school and go to form.

Today. Will be good.

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