Chapter 4

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So it's Thursday. I have my geography lesson. Guess who with! Yes, you guessed correctly. Josh. Josh is next to me. Why am I bothered you may ask? I don't know, only that fact he's been acting odd around me lately and I'm not liking it. Anyway, this is how today went.

     Geography 3rd period
     Time: 11:30
For starters I walked late into my lesson due to little new year 7's not knowing where their room is. Me being and 'upper school student' has to help. And so I traipsed around the school until we found their lesson. I walked at a fast pace to my own.
I entered the classroom to EVERYONE staring at me. Usually I walk in with someone to prevent this from happening. I felt hugely uncomfortable.
I went to go sit down but Josh put his leg on my chair, not allowing me to sit down. It's 3rd period, I'm hungry, bored, tired and annoyed. Not in the mood.
"Josh remove your foot from my chair now thank you." I stare at my chair waiting for him to move.
"Jeez someone's pissed you off." Still not moving his foot
"And I wonder who that would be Josh. MOVE" I completely lost my temper at him and jolted my chair out taking his leg with me.
"Be more patient and weak next time." He says smirking at me
"You boil my piss" I say soon realising I'm not being the nicest person right now. I laugh it off telling him I was joking.
Half way through the lesson we were watching a video. Josh gets a little close during this and I feel scared. Why? I have no clue. The feeling of my best friend being this close to me during a geography video doesn't sound appealing to me.
Josh rests his head on my shoulder wrapping his arm around my waist through the side of my chair. I don't say anything but still feeling unsafe.
"I like hugging you, your like a really big teddy bear" he says rubbing the inside of my hip.
"Excuse me!" I spin my head staring dead on into Josh's eyes. Nudging away his arm and head off my shoulder.
"I... I didn't mean it like that. Please don't take offence" Josh stutters moving back to the centre of his chair finally away from me.

Thanks to Miss Blake we are made to do partner work. Nice. I decided to do this on my own. Not saying a word. Lucy looks and me and furrowing her eyebrows as if to say I would break the silence, but it's pointless. I nod my head back so she knows I'm fine.
The bell finally rings. I get up and put my book and pen in my bag. Throwing my medium sized black leather back over my shoulder I walk swiftly outside.
While walking I feel long thin arms around my arms isolating me in a penguin position. I jolt away in fear. Looking behind me there he is with the biggest goofy smile on his face.
"Listen I'm sorry about earlier, it was wrong for me to say that. Friends?" He said spreading his arms out into a hugging motion. "Whatever Josh... Yes we're friends." I roll my eyes and try to carry on walking. Josh runs infront of me and stopping me in my tracks. He goes to hug me. Thankfully I see Bethany in the distance. I dodge Josh and roll underneath where is arm was originally placed. "Sorry Josh, I found Bethany and we need to go" I giggle to myself. Thank god she came then.

I don't want to be horrible to Josh. I don't like being in arguments or having to ignore him. It's just hard when he was like that with me a few days ago and now he's acting like he constantly wants hugs from me. I'm not about all that. Jeez I'm Elle Warren for crying out loud.

And so, that was my experience of constantly being too close to Josh for my liking. Ew. I know he's my best friend an' all but I don't like him in that way. Not like he does me.

Bit of a long one guys! Slightly boring I know. I'm still building up but still trying to get my head round the full story of what actually happened to me.

Thank you so so much for reading!!! (If you have) <3

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