Chapter 3

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Kiers POV

I woke up, from the most peaceful sleep I'd had in... too long. I looked around, expecting to see Laurence by my side, but he was nowhere to be seen. Of course, it was afternoon already, so he'd already be downstairs with Drew and Cyrus.

After I'd cleaned up a little and put on some new clothes, I went over to see Laurence. I walked past his room, his door was wide open, and had a quick look inside. As I expected, he wasn't there.

I nearly walked away before taking a double take at a small heap on the floor. My eyes widened as sped over, kneeling near Laurence. His chest was moving up and down unsteadily and his pale body trembled at my touch. I turned him over from where he was lying on his back and saw two fresh, red bitemarks on his neck, venom splattered down his new shirt. Without thinking, I pressed my lips to the marks and sucked the bitter venom until there was none left.

I noticed Laurence had stopped shaking and the colour returned to his cold face. His heartbeat calmed as I placed him back on his bed and closed the door silently behind me.

I ran downstairs, attracting the attention of some people in the corridor, some with skin so white, they looked ghost-like. Come to think about it, they probably were. I skidded to a halt outside the doorway to the grand hall and the first people I saw were Drew and Cyrus, sitting around a small table with a few leather books on, deep in conversation. Drew wore a ironed black shirt and a slightly bigger blazer, and Barrone wore similar clothes, converse, and his distinct goggles on his hair. They looked much more casual today.

I rudely interrupted them and hurriedly explained the situation between Laurence and I, stuttering in a panicked state. Drew followed me up the stairs along with Cyrus, who brought one of his books with him. After Drew had a closer look at Laurence, who looked like he was in a deep sleep, he turned to face me, "I'm not sure what you did, Kier, or how you did it, and I don't know if it's even been done before; but he's okay. He's fine, just asleep." he shrugged and walked over to Barrone who was flicking though pages of the book.

Barrone looked worriedly to me, "I know Laurence may be okay, but what about you? You took the venom didn't you? You shouldould be turning into a vampire."

"Whats going on then?" I said, concerned. "Why am I still... alive?"

"There's only one person I can think of who might be behind all this..." I heard Barrone mutter to himself, still flicking through the pages of his book.

"Who is it? Will Laurence be like him?" I asked intently.

"Someone we know all too well," he said grimly, "The Cardinal."

A/N: timids in the next chapter!


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