Chapter 7

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Kiers POV

I ran from the institute and into the thick, cold, moonlit forest. I tried to forget about the cold or the fact my lover had betrayed me and focused on getting to the palace as soon as I could. Eventually, after sprinting for some time, my tired lungs forced me to take a break and I stopped to catch my breath and think. Everything caught up with me; the cold weather, Laurence, the Cardinal.

I shivered as I looked ahed of me. The palace was barely in view, hidden by the buildings of the small town before me. I was only in a thin white shirt and it was mid December. I thought about how easy it would be to just turn around, go back, forgive Laurence and fall asleep in his safe arms. Who knew what could be lurking in the forest at this hour? Ever since the night me and Laurence were taken in this forest, I was afraid of going out alone.

I looked up at the tall frosty trees and thought to myself, it was a night like this, but it felt less scary because I had Laurence. All of those nights in the cell, frightened and weak, were all tolerable because of him. He was my hope. I thought about going back to the palace. What would the Cardinal think of me? Would he lock me up, or worse, kill me? I didn't know what to expect. I felt like this was my weakest moment.

I walked carefully at a slow pace towards the castle, unaware if I had a motive. I was desperate for answers and was empty with the feeling of not knowing. I was a pawn in a somewhat brutal game of chess.

I heard the thundering sound of rattling steel and my heart jumped. My head shot around as I saw the huge train that ran through Grandomina I breathed a sigh of relief. I felt silly for being so afraid of a train, but as I wandered closer to the palace, I began to wonder why a train would go through the city at this hour. All trains and carriages in Grandomina had to be inactive after 8pm every day. It was law. I would be more likely to see a horse and carriage now, not a train, not something that the Cardinal controlled. Before I knew it, I was metres from the gates of the palace. I saw a couple of guards nearby and thought about asking them about what I could do when I heard a sly whisper near my neck, "back for more, Kemp?"


"So what brings you back here?" the Cardinal asked sweetly. I narrowed my eyes at him. He had taken me into the palace, something I was not comfortable with. The plan was to get here, get answers and leave before he could infect my life anymore. He looked even more ghastly than before in the yellow light, his bloodshot eyes flickered momentarily at mine.

"You're not angry? I was a prisoner here and you turned me into a vampire!"

"So he told you did he?" he said dissapointedly, "So much for that faithful lover then?" he finished smirking again.

"I-er-" so much for that plan, I thought. "You sent that person over to bite Laurence! If I hadn't sucked the venom he would be dead!" I raged.

"Calm down, Kemp," he hushed. "There's still a way you can help me help you."

A/N: so its short and its shit... and its really late. hopefully I'll go back to updating like before!



so much for that updating thing!)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2014 ⏰

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