Sodapop's Crush

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Warning's: None
Published date: 9/20/16
Word count: 1813 words
Extra Notes: Enjoy the story and remember to request

It was any other ordinary day, the sun shinning over Tulsa, and Socs yelling "Grease!" as they drove passed us greasers. Yep, a normal day. "That was a nice movie and all but shouldn't we a'least wait for Darry or Sodapop to get off work?" I asked "Ya I know but that'll be a little while." "Yea cause what we need is to get jumped by Socs, Ponyboy." I mumbled "Whatever Y/n, you keep your switchblade in the pocket of your skirt still don't ya?" "Shoot kid, you don't talk about stuff like that out here, we also don't need to get the fuzz on us either." I scolded "C'mon lets just go, I want to get home before Darry does." he sighed "Can't we just call Two-Bit up?" I asked "Nope, now lets go!" he grabbed my wrist and began to drag me down the road. I sighed in defeat and followed along unwilling. "Slow down a bit at least! I'm not exactly on the track team like you!" "Sorry Y/N, but you are going to have to get used to running if you ever want to fight in a rumble with us!" "Please, as long as I can fight I'm good!" "Whatever." "It's always whatever with you, Ponyboy." I sighed "Not my fault now c'mon!" He yelled as he continued to drag me down the street by my wrist, well he stopped dead in his tracks and I ran into him. "What was that for?" "Shh." He hooked his thumbs in his jean pockets and slouched, I quickly got the idea and put my hands in my skirt pockets, my right hand holding onto my switch blade. Peeking out from behind him I saw a blue mustang. "What do these Bitches want..." I mumbled. "Just keep walking." He whispered to me "Alright, but light me a cigarette." "But you don't smoke...?" "Just give me one!" I growled. He sighed and he pulled out a box and handed me one, I held it out and he lit it. I hold it to my lips, not exactly inhaling it but still flicking the ashes off as it build up. "I still don't-" "Look at the greasers we have here, one even managed to pick himself up a broad." One Socs snickered. "Hey baby, what are you doing hanging around this greaser." Another said grabbing ahold of my shoulder. I smirked "Oh you know... Just hopping that some handsome Socs come and pick me up... oh wait no, this is why!" I pressed the burning cigarette to his skin. He yelped and moved away, I dropped the cigarette and quickly grabbed my switch blade and switched it open. "Y/N what was your whole speech about? Oh yea, not trying to get the fuzz on us!" "I'm sorry Pony, but I'm not ab-" I felt a pain on my face. "Shut up! Broads like you should learn to keep their mouth shut!" "Oh, its on!" I said trying to launch myself at the nearest Socs if it wasn't for Ponyboy holding me back. "Y/N! Stop it!" "I'm sorry but if you're gonna start shit with me then you're gonna finish it!" "Or you could calm down because they are leaving!" he yelled "Let go of me and maybe I will." I mumbled "I swear Y/N, you act just like Dally." He mumbled and let go of me. I switched my blade closed and slide it back into my pocket. "Think we should head home now?" "Whatever, Pony, lets just go now." I sighed and shoved my hands into my skirt pockets and began walking. "Hey, whats wrong now?" He asked catching up to me. "It's nothing Pony." I sighed "I bet if Sodapop asked what was wrong you would tell him!" I smiled softly at him "Its his eyes." I sighed "Wait, do you like my brother!" He shouted in shock "No..." I stretched out the O's "You like him don't you?!" "I never said that!" "C'mon Y/N you're my best friend! You can tell me cant you?" "Fine I like him!" I shouted "I knew it!" He shouted happily. I sighed "Calm down wont you, don't need the whole city of Tulsa knowing that I like your brother." "Sorry..." "Aw its fine Ponyboy, I just don't like talking about these kinds of things especially if its about someone that pretty much every girl likes! I mean the Socs girls like him." I sighed "Maybe he coul-" "Don't even go there Pony, what makes me any different then then all the other girls." "And what makes you say that?" he asked as we walked down the road. "Because I'm me, and other girls are better then me. Duh." I stated "I don't understand how you can say that." he laughed bitterly I shrugged "Well, at least I have friend like you, and Johnny" I smiled "I mean you two are my best friends." I smiled "Alright, you are off topic." He joked "Alright, lets get to the house." "Race ya!" I shouted and took off running "Cheater!"

"I'm home! Y/N is here as well!" Pony shouted as we walked through his house door. "That's nice Pony, but do you know if we have any chocolate cake leftover?!" Soda shouted from his and Pony's room. "Did you check the fridge when you got home?!" Pony shouted back "Good idea!" He yelled back and walked out of their room, cigarette in hand. "What's up Pepsi-Cola? You ok?" I asked pointing to the cigarette. "Yea." he stated blandly and started searching the fridge for the cake. I looked at him worriedly before turning back to Pony with a confused expression. He shrugged. "Well, wanna watch Mickey Mouse?" Pony asked "Ah yes, cause I'm Two-bit now." I smiled sarcastically but still sat down next to Pony on the couch to watch Mickey anyways. "Nah, you haven't started makin horrible jokes just yet!" Pony laughed. "She aint nothing like her brother Dally either at least." Soda commented "I wouldn't say that..." Pony trailed "Why, what happened?" "Socs, one grabbed me so I burned him with my cigarette and pulled my knife on them." I shrugged causing Soda to choke on the chocolate milk he was drinking. "You did what?!" "Burned him." "With a cigarette? But Y/N you don't smoke." "Neither do you, so whats wrong?" I asked "What makes you say theres something wrong?" "Cause, you only smoke when you are upset of want to look tough, and you know you don't have to impress us." I stated "Uh I think I'm gonna gonna go and let you two hash it out." Pony stated awkwardly before clicking the tv off and left. I sighed but remained in my spot on the couch. I pull out my switchblade from my skirt pocket and opened it up. I ran my thumb crossed the blade. "Be careful with that Y/N." Soda mumbled as he put his empty cup in the sink, I looked at him questionably. "Since when did you care if I played with knifes?" I smirked "I've always cared." "Aww, you care!" I cooed. "W-why wouldn't I care?" He stuttered "Soda... whats wrong?" I asked as I got up from my spot on the couch and over by Soda at the dinning table. "Nothings wrong." He said quietly "C'mon Pepsi-Cola." He stayed quiet and flicked the cigarette ashes down on the ground. "Honestly theres nothing wrong." He mumbled as he got up from his seat a put his glass in the sink and left the house without another word. I sighed and got up to followed him out. "C'mon on Pepsi." I said using the nickname I had given him all those years ago. "D-did you just-... why you haven't called me that in years..." He trailed and turned towards me. I smiled slightly "C'mon now, Pepsi, you can tell me can't ya?" I pleaded "I ca- aw c'mon now, don't do that face!" "What face?" "Your eyes get wide with worry, one eye brow cocked up and your lips slightly parted." "And... you can't stand this face why?" I asked smiling slightly "Cause..." he trailed "You?" he stepped a bit closer "Me? You're gonna need to explain, I mean theres a lot of things I've done." I smiled stepping forward. "Well, for starters, you're a thief." "Let me guess, that stole your heart?" "Maybe you did, maybe you didn't." "Guess I'll have to find out, wont I?" I smirked "I guess you will." By now we were only inches apart. Smirking he put his hands on my hips and pulled me closer if that was even possible. He pressed his lips to mine in a soft sweet kiss that I quickly returned back and wrapped my arms loosely around his neck. "Woah, I leave to go get Johnny and this... woah..." I heard Ponyboy's voice. We quickly pulled away from each other and turned towards Pony and Johnny, still in each others arms "And what were you saying about him not... oh wait him not liking you?" Pony asked "Ah ha ha fourteen year olds should mind their own business!" I laughed a bit. "So, I'm assumingY/N will be at your house more then she already is." Johnny smiled "That's if Dally doesn't beat the tar out of me before." Soda laughed. "He wouldn't!" I laughed "Who wouldn't do what?" Dally said "D-dally what are you doing here?" I asked nervously and quickly pulled away Soda. "Are you- Are you with my sister?" He asked in a dangerously calm voice. "Um..." Soda started before Dally stepped closer to Soda "Don't hurt her, or I'll beat the tar outta ya, you got it!?" "Calm down Dally, me and Soda grew together, you know this, and he knows what I can do." "You burned a Soc with a cigarette didn't ya?" "Yea." I smiled proudly. "Well, I'mma go, I came to come check on ya, but you seem to be alright." He laughed and walked off. "I'm telling Darry!" Pony shouted and ran of somewhere, Johnny following behind. "So, where were we?" I asked "Here." He pulled me closer and bent down to kiss me. "You know, we should head inside its gettin cold." I stated with a shiver after we pulled away. "I can keep ya warm." He smirked "Shut up, Pepsi, lets go inside." I smiled and dragged him inside the house where we cuddled on the couch and watched Mickey Mouse.

When Darry returned home from work he was surprised to see his brother Soda and Ponyboy's, best buddy besides Johnny, Y/N snuggled up on the couch as the TV was still running. That night Pony had the bed to himself because nobody wanted to wake the couple up.

Weeks after that happy event, the whole gang knew, and were honestly annoyed but none the less happy for them.

I'm sorry I didn't put a authors note here before I just got so exited! Next One shot is Johnny and is written by dino_incorporated

Until next time gang,
Stay gold,

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