Candy Duty with Sodapop

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Warning's: few comments in the story could be taken wrongly
Published date: 10/31/16
Word count: 608
Extra Notes: This was written on 9/23/16 and 9/14/16

Halloween, The day all the children dress up and knock on everyone's door for candy. Yea, possibly the worst day of the year to be stuck with Sodapop, and to have to be the one to help him pass out candy. "Soda!" I whine "Why do we have to watch a horror movie? We are supposed to be passing out the candy!" "We will, once the door bell rings, until then horror movie!" He laughed slightly as slung his arm around my shoulders. "You know I don't do well during horror movies." I mumbled as I grabbed a laffy taffy from the candy bowl. "You better share that!" He smiled as I ripped the plastic off. I shook my head and bit into it, eating half of the small taffy bar. "This is mine." He plucked the other half out of my hand. "But I already bit off of it!" I explained and earned myself a shrug from him as he plopped the other half in his mouth. "C'mon Soda did ya really need to do that?" "Yup."  I pouted slightly before forcing a smiling on my face as I heard the door bell ring. Pulling away from Soda I grabbed the candy bowel and opened the door to pass out candy.

This happened ten more times over next hour, sharing some sort of candy, hear the doorbell ring force a smile and pass out candy. There was also the occasion of teenaged girls who would giggle and flirt with Soda, which didn't make you happy one bit.
Finally at eleven PM you guys decided to call it quits, which was a horrible idea on your part, because Soda wanted to watch those horror movies we talked about earlier.

"C'mon Y/N please? He whined "I guess." I sighed flopping down on the couch after five minutes of his constant whining. He smiled and turned on the movie before sitting down on the couch next to me.  As the movie started he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and leaned over to whisper in my ear "Don't worry... I'll protect you." "Aww you care!" I cooed he looked away before I could see his reaction to that comment. It shouldn't bother him, we made comments like that to each other all the time, yet it this time it sounded weird. "So... how'd ya convince your parents to let you skip school today?" He asked out of the blue during the . "I didn't, I told them I was comin over here afterwards to spend the night..." I trailed "What's your plan?" "My plan?" "Yea after high school? Are you going to move out of state for college or stay here is Tulsa...." he trailed "Well... I never.... What the hell was that!" You screamed at the movie pointing at the tv. He chuckled a bit and pulled me closer to him. "As I was saying..." I mumbled trying to calm down "I haven't given it much thought ya know?" "Is there any chance of you leaving?" He asked worried "Most likely not, I would like to see more of the country though... after college." "That means I still have time!" "Time? For what?" "Time for this." He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine, and I quickly kissed back before he pulled away. "Woah...." I smiled pressing my forehead to his. "Oh that was only the beginning." He smirked I laughed and rolled my eyes playfully. "Y/N, will you be my girl?" "Of course!" I giggled and snuggled up to him as we continued watching (with many kisses and a heated make out session) the horror movie.

The next chapter will be a requested chapter! I don't know when it will be out but yea. Happy Halloween or spoopy day! Be safe!


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