Little Two-Bit

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Warning's: None
Published date: 10/8/16
Word count: 548
Extra Notes: Enjoy the story and remember to request


It had been at least a week since my last period, and it honestly scared me, and the nausea was unbearable. I sighed and grabbed my phone and dialed my best friends number, and twirled the cord line with my finger nervously as I awaited her response. She picked up the phone and answered "Hey Y/N, what's up?" "I've missed my period!" I blurted out. The line went silent and I thought she hung up until I heard her say "Hold on, I'm going to pick some things and come over." Then the line went dead. I hung up the phone and stood up from my spot on the bed and began to pace around my room 'What if I'm pregnant?' I thought 'Would Two-Bit even want a child? We aren't even married!' I sighed and continued to pace until I heard my front door open, walking out of my room I see my best friend Onyx (if this your name, her name is Ivory) in my living room with a bag at hand. She pulled a box out of it and handed it to me. "No...." I muttered taking the box "It isn't possible...." "Just try it, I mean worse case scenario it's just a stomachache virus. I sighed "Fine."

Waiting a few minutes I checked it. Positive. "How..." I mumbled and showed my friend. She shrugged "Plastic broke? Anyways this means I get to be an aunt!" She squealed and hug me tightly "But... how do I tell Two?" I asked nervously. "Well the bun in the oven joke is too cheesy." She commented "And leaving baby supplies all around is just...." I added "Maybe you could just leave the test out and let him ask about it?" She suggested "That'll do I guess." I smiled slightly

Leaving the test on the bathroom sink and closed the door and headed back to the living room and sat on the couch, in a rather awkward way that was supposed to look natural but really makes it look like I was up to something, like when you stay up late reading and your mom walks in and you quickly drop the book and pretend to be sleeping but by the position you're in you can tell that they aren't actually asleep. Yea, it was like that but only with sitting. It wasn't very long before Two-Bit had came home from where every he was, I was too worried about his reaction to remember exactly where he went. "Hey babe." He smiled and kissed my cheek before going off the bathroom. "Hey, uh Y/N...." he trailed "Is this... uh what I think it is?" He asked cautiously has he walked into the room, pregnancy test in hand. I nervously nodded my head. He looked down at the test then back up at me, a grin coming across his face. Smiling widely he quickly pulled me into his arms in a hug. I huged him back relived as he kept mumbling happily "I'm going to be a dad." until he pulled away and looked at me still smiling "I'm going to be a dad! We gotta go tell the guys!" he yelled excitedly before rushing out of the house, and pulling me along by the hand.

IM SOOOO SORRY! I'm kinda confused why dino_incorporated didn't update because she could've XD anyways she's updating next with either Darry or Sodapop I don't know but expect one of them. XD until next time gang!
Stay Gold,

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