Rules and Such

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1. Please send request to the Kitty_inc PM box and not the comment section it would be so much easier to read request and comments that way

2. Please say which of us you would like to write it, our writing styles are different and I (Kitty) understand that some of you might prefer one of our writing styles better then the other and that's ok.

3. Before requesting please read over what the authors will write because it wouldn't make sense to ask Dino to write a lemon when she doesn't write them (I don't think she dose) you would have to ask me (Kitty) to write it.

4. If you are requesting an idea please give us the main idea so we can write it.

5. It's ok to just ask for a fluffy one shot of (insert rand YouTuber name here)

What the authors will write:

Dino: I will write some fluff but not lemons. I also will curse so if you don't want cursing ask I will do as said. I also sometimes proffered just to make sure it makes sense. I most likely will make run off sentences sorry. I also don't make Y/N and (Insert Outsiders Name here) in love right away. I will write gay, leasbian, or straight one shots. If I don't know I won't write about it. Updates whenever is possible

Kitty: I will write lemons limes and fluff, I will curse so if you don't want that please tell me to not curse in that chapter, I try to not describe the reader that much, I will only use the term Y/N for names, I write BoyXBoy GirlXGirl (not lemon for either, I can only write straight lemon) dose not write about cancer and other diseases, will mention mental disorders (only after prior research ) Will write chapters based around songs. Updates whenever is possible -Kitty

Extra Notes: We will greatly appreciate it if you are patient with us. We are new to this and are gonna work on a schedule for this account and our own accounts. Until the Happy Reading! -Kitty

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