Sucks to suck <3

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   It took me awhile to get back to my apartment because Ryan had chased me pretty far back into the woods. Just when I was about to open the door, I suspected to see my room nice and clean. I suspected to see Kyle still asleep. 

   But what I didn't suspect was to see the same old and ugly face back at home.

  I groaned in annoyance, "Roberto." I whispered to myself. I knew those hazel, green eyes from anywhere. And for a white guy, he was pretty brown. Hell, he could even pass for a Mexican. 

    Kyle was still strapped up on the chair, but instead of being in the closet where I last left him, he was sitting right in front of Roberto.  

    "You know, I never saw you as the type to kidnap pretty boys." Roberto said, smirking at me, "Saving him for your stressful nights or what?" 

   God, did I miss his 'sarcasm'. 

(Note my sarcasm) 

Chapter 12

 I quickly shut the door behind me before openly stare at the sight before, "What are you doing here?" I asked, completely shocked.

    "Your cellphone sent a distress call so Haven sent me over here to see if you were in trouble or something like that." Roberto replied and walked around Kyle at the same time. "I was hoping tp rescue you and bring you back home, like the  prince charming I am,"

I instantly rolled my eyes but couldn't help hide my amusment, He would say that. 

 "But I never thought to find a boy sleeping in your closet and tied up." He finished off. 

    Roberto poked Kyle with his pointer finger, "So are you saving him for tonight or what?" he repeated.

     "Get your mind out of the gutter." I said, disgusted and yet slightly fine with it, of how far and dirty his imagination goes. "And I never sent a distress call." 

   "No you didn't. Your cellphone detected somebody trying to hack into it, so it sent us a distress call before destroying the evidence it held." Roberto answered. 

   "My cellphone? I still have my cellphone. There's no way someone can hack into it unless they have it." I replied, still sure that my cellphone was inside my drawer; where I last left it. But I couldn't help and feel a disturbance afterwards.

   I stomped past him like an immature child would do, and searched inside my drawer.

   I suspected to see my cellphone on top of my 'nicely' folded clothes, but of course, nothing seem to be where I last left them. My clothes were all over the place and no longer in one pile of shirts of jeans. I noticed how everyone of my drawers were messed up, but my underwear drawer. Which, by the way, I was happy for. 

  Someone's been going through my stuff.  

  And I think I know who. 

  "Ryan." I breathed out. It would explain why I saw him this morning, along with his other members. They probably went out searching for me because they heard me scream before I was kidnap. 

  This was bad. Really really bad. They're probably onto my tail already. 

  It didn't take a genius to know that I needed a straight forward story to cover up my identity and what happened to me the night before.   

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