missing him

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It had been a whole day since me and Austen had spoke, A WHOLE DAY! We hadn't not spoken for this long in all the years we've known each other! I've got to admit i kind of miss him, i'm just waiting for him to prance into my room acting like a weirdo. I sound like some clingy loser who's obsessed with her best friend but seriously can you blame me? Austen is basically my life he acts as a brother, a dad and a best friend all in one. It's craaazy!

'Where's Austen been lately hunny? It feels like i haven't seen him in weeks!' My mum moaned as we were eating breakfast.

'Mum, you saw him on Saturday afternoon, it's only Monday morning'. I reminded her even though i felt the exact same way.

'I know, but i just miss him soooooo much Rhi.' My mum moaned giving me her best puppy dog face. In other words she's telling me to go make up with him. She's so pushy!

'Alright, alright i get it. Just take that silly look off your face!' She started to act confused about how it was a silly look so i took this oppurtunity to leave.

'Bye Mummaaaa!' i shouted as i stepped out the door.

I guess i'm walking to school today. Usually Austen picks me up since I can't afford a car yet. But he isn't here so i'll take it we haven't made up yet. It wasn't a long walk, it will take about twenty minutes. I don't mind, i could use this time to think things over about Austen.

I had been walking for ten minutes and i was halfway to school when I heard a car start to pull up next to me, AUSTEN! I turned around with a wide grin on my face which immediately turned upside down as i spotted the black range rover with the number plate 'R1CK', wow, i wonder who that could be. I carried on my peaceful walk to school, but nothing stays peaceful for long does it!

'Rhiannon' and you couldn't imagine how suprised i was when i heard Rick's voice. Naat.

'What do you want Rick?' I sneered.

'Why are you walking? Doesn't dear Austen usually give you a ride?'

'What's it got to do with you douche bag?'

'I was just going to offer you a lift, out of the kindness of my heart ofcourse sweetcheeks' Oh god, this guy literally makes my stomach turn.

'No i'm alright thankyou, i'd rather fresh air than the stuffy, stinky air in your car.' I said in a sweet voice with a smile on my face, totally serious.

Rick scoffed and carried on his drive towards school while i carried on my walk lost in my own thoughts. I wonder if Austen will be at school today. Maybe i shouls sort things out with him. I mean if i was in his position i would have done the same. Yea, i'll talk to him, for mums sake, cause she's missing him so much.

I walked through the school gates and my ears were instantly filled with pointless chatter and gossip from over the weekend. Don't these kids have anything better to do?

I was in second lesson when a girl i've never spoken to before sat next to me. I hadn't seen Austen all morning so haven't had the chance to speak to him which is why this suprised me.

'What happened between you and Austen?' The girl said while poking her bottom lip out. Who is this girl?

'What do you mean?' I said, not even bothering to act nice.

'It's been going around all morning. You and Austen....' I stared at her blankly so she carried on 'well i heard you have loved him for years and you tried to kiss him but he rejected you so you had a big hissy fit and hit him then he called you a slut.' She spoke so fast i was suprised i caught it all. Sort of wishing i hadn't i gave the girl a questioning look.

'And where exactly did you hear that? Cause let me tell you whichever one of your so called friends told you that you can go back to them and tell them to stop spreading bullshit. Just because you lot obviously don't have enough going on in your lives doesn't give you the right to make up shit about me and my best friend. Did you hear that? FRIEND! Friends who do not kiss! Got that shithead?' That told her. Oh her face is priceless. Hahahaha, amazing. 

She stormed off mumbling to herself. I looked up to start listening to theteacher again when i realised all eyes were on me, even the teachers. Oh man, Can anyone say embaressing?

They wern't even looking away as i looked up. 'Do i have a fish on my face or something?' I snapped.

'No?' The teacher asked confused.

'Then turn the fuck away!'

First detention of the week - check!

Lunch time came around quickly after that. I walked into the cafeteria and all was going swell, i was first in the queue, got my favourite meal, cheesy pasta and cocolate milk, mmmmm. Until i got to the check out and realised i don't even have any money. Austen usually pays for my lunch, he pays for all my food actually. I still haven't seen him all morning. I miss him so much it's pathetic. I was distracted from my thoughts by the feel of wet on my cheeks. I was crying. Austen made me cry. I was crying over Austen. I haven't cried in years! what the hell is this!

At that moment two arms wrapped around my waist, i knew the scent immediately and it easily comforted me and pushed all my worries away. Austen. 

'Don't worry i got this.' He said while handing money to the check out lady.

He grabbed my shoulders and turned me around so i was facing him with my tray. I took the moment to look at him. His hair was messy which was weird because he always had it nice and neat. He had big brown bags under his eyes aswell showing that he didn't have much sleep. I looked down to check out what he was wearing, blue chinos and a white t-shirt that hugged his muscles. Yeah, he's certainly not that scrawny guy i met all those years ago, he definately.... grew. I could even see the outlines of his six pack through his shirt, wow i've never noticed that before.

'Rhi, what's wrong? Why are you crying? Are you hurt? Rhi answer me for christs sake!! Rhi! Rhi! WHATS WRONG?' while i was busy ermmm... looking at his clothes i didn't realise Austen was freaking out.

'I'm fine Austen chill out, ijustmissedyou.' I mumbled hoping he wouldn't herebut with my luck it was no suprise when he answered by picking me up and spinning me around in his arms, completely forgetting about my cheesy pasta and chocolate milk that is now squished between us.

'I missed you two my beautiful best friend!' He sang ad he put me down. 'I also missed your mum!'

'Yeah and i'm going to miss this top, look it's wrecked! Austen this was my favourite top!' I moaned.

'Oh man i bought you that top too! Dayummmmmmmmmmmmm. I liked you in it aswell!' I instantly blushed.

'Come on lets get some more food and eat!'

And just like that we were back to normal and i couldn't wipe the smile off my face. Hopefully whoever took that picture would back off when they realise they can't ruin us that easily. We're too strong.


COMMENT PLEASE GUYS I'D LIKE SOME OPINIONS. Also theorys on what you think is going to happen in the story?

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