Prologue: Honeymoon

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My eyes open a tad and I exhale, relishing the warm sensation of Basil's arms around me. I smile to myself, reaching my hand up to stroke his cheek and messy hair. He stirs, "Guten Morgen, Edelweiss." I coo affectionately. Both eyes flick open and he smiles sleepily.

"Guten Morgen, Edelweiss," Basil croons and readjusts, tightening his grip on me and pressing the two of us together, "Sleep well, darling?" I nod.

"Yes. You?"

"Ja," I stretch, my side aching a little. He notices, of course, and his fingers are quick to begin dancing up and down, relieving the muscles, "Better?"

"Yes." I sigh contentedly. We lay here for a long time, enjoying our first morning of newlywed life. When we grow uncomfortable he rolls me onto my back and cuddles close, laying his head against my chest. He's inexplicably adorable yet manly at the same time.

"I don't want to move..," Basil murmurs, his voice carefree. I giggle. Fortunately for us both, we have until the 26th before we have to perform important functions. So we can do whatever we like in that time. Alone. My cheeks warm up thinking about it, "Ich liebe Sie. [I love You.]"

"Ich liebe Sie auch. [I love You too.]"  I trace my fingers gently along his back, gazing at the rings. He responds by moving up and planting kisses along my collar bone and neck. I exhale in pleasure as he travels upwards, finally capturing me in a long, hot kiss.



Short and sweet! Please comment and vote below, everyone! Thanks for reading!

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