Chapter 4: Appointments

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Four Weeks Later...

"Are you ready, Basil?" I call to my husband from the foyer, "We're going to be late!" 

"Ja, ja! I'm coming!" He chirps back and descends the stairs quickly. I smile when I smell his Old Spice Cologne. Basil leans down and we share a loving moment, "You're as beautiful as ever, Zipporah." I blush. 

"Danke..." He wraps his arm around my waist as we exit the house and walk to the BMW. Today we've got multiple appointments. We're both starving since we have to get blood tests and had to fast. Really, it was only supposed to be me. But Basil insisted he do it with me, understanding my fears. He's so sweet. 

"Here you go, Edelweiss." He opens my door. 

"Thank you very much." I get in and he hurries to the driver's door. First stop, RI HQ to sign a few papers. Basil turns up the radio and I sigh, watching Sonnetal pass by. It's a gorgeous city. I've fallen in love with it. 

"I still have trouble understanding your enchantment with Sonnetal." Basil comments with a light chuckle. I shift my shoulders. 

"It's a city I never believed would hold such a profound future for me." 


"It's so unique too." Basil reaches over and strokes my cheek. 

"But will you still love it years down the road? I've lived here all of my life." 

"I'm certain I will. No worries, Basil." 

I follow Basil into HQ and we sign everything that needs our authorization. We speak briefly with Octavian and Gernot, then we continue our day. We head over to the Sonnetal Medical Atria. Basil pulls off into a special car shelter and we're met by a bubbly nurse, then led into the Royal Atrium. The first stop is the Phlebotomist, to my great disdain, "Hey, you'll do fine." Basil whispers softly into my ear as we're led to the lab. 

"You sure..?" I shiver, both out of dread and lack of blood sugar. He grabs my hand and kisses it. 

"Ja. Doctor Breiner's very good at his job." I still can't seem to quell my trembling. Basil frowns and slips his arm around my waist, positioning so that he can steady me. We finally enter the Phlebotomy lab. Doctor Breiner smiles warmly. 

"Wilkommen, Princess Zipporah, Prince Basil," He greets with a bow, "I am Doctor Breiner. Are you ready, your highnesses?" My heart constricts, and I hold my breath. 

"Yes..." I manage to respond before Basil does. Doctor Breiner nods. 

"Who would like to go first?" 

"I will." Basil claims. I exhale in the smallest amount of relief. Doctor Breiner motions for him to sit down and I steady myself against the wall. The Doctor engages in small talk as he cleans and preps. Basil is done in less than a minute, the tube filled with his crimson blood. He's patched up and then it's my turn. I gulp, feeling stiff and yet weak at the same time. Basil scoots over on the bench and guides me down to the appropriate seat, making sure to hold my free arm and stroke it calmly. I begin to shake even more as I offer my arm to the doctor, however. He cleans the spot and brings out the needle and collecting tube. Then he backs off, surprising me. 

"Princess, are you alright? You're as pale as a sheet and trembling." 

"She's very afraid of needles, Doctor." Basil explains for me. Doctor Breiner nods in understanding. 

"I see. I will be as quick as possible, but if you would feel more comfortable in another position, then do what you may. It is important for you to be as calm and relaxed as possible." Basil pulls me onto his lap and wraps his arms around me, resting his chin on my shoulder where he can angle my face away from the needle. I inhale his fragrance and feel the dreaded pinch. My arm goes limp. True to his word, Doctor Breiner finishes swiftly and disallows me from viewing the blood. I continue to tremble, though, due to low blood sugar. On the way to the private physicians, Basil takes off his jacket and drapes it across my shoulders while nurses bring us a scant selection of quick snacks. I consume two doughnuts and down some apple juice, then I'm whisked into my doctor's clinical room. Doctor Forst, a woman likely in her forties to fifties, is there. 

"Guten Tag, Princess Zipporah." Her accent is very thick, but her voice is maternal and caring. I relax. 

"Guten Tag, Doctor Forst." 

"How are you today, your highness?" 

"I'm alright," I sigh, "Um,.. since you're my doctor, would you please drop the honorifics?" 

"As you wish. I was actually going to propose the idea. I find it impeding to be so formal." She curtsies and I mirror her. She has me get up on the examination table and checks my vitals. 


"You're healthy and well. No problems I can distinguish. Now, if I may, I am going to ask you some questions." 


The questions start off simple and generic; conditions and illnesses, etcetera. Then she comes to a more sensitive topic, "Do you have your cycles regularly?" 

"Yes." I try to be as aloof as possible. 

"When was your last cycle?" 

"36 days..." I don't think much of it. I've been stressed so of course it's delayed. Doctor Forst jots it down then stands up suddenly. 


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