Chapter 7: Chatter

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"I'm so glad that Basil has Gernot to talk to now. He's been in desperate need of guy time."

"Gernot is eager to rekindle their friendship. He spends most of his time with aged businessmen. It drains him."

"Basil too." I take a sip of my cinnamon tea and relax on the sofa, turning my face from the window to Odilie and Ilona.

"Dinner was wonderful, Zipporah. You are an excellent chef."

"Dankeschön, Odilie." She sips her tea and sighs, reestablishing Ilona in her arms. Her slender fingers twist carefully around the teacup and she takes a breath.

"Zipporah, how has your pregnancy been?"

"Easy thus far. No morning sickness or extreme symptoms."

"That is quite a blessing. With both of mine I had debilitating bouts of illness in my first trimester. You are quite lucky for that."

"Mm. Danke." We hold each other's gaze.

"If you do not mind me asking, are you afraid? Is there anything you fear concerning the baby?" A strange but viable query. I clear my throat and tap my teacup.

"Of course there is. My family history is pockmarked with difficulty and even tragedy." Her eyes grow to the size of her saucer.

"Really? Would it be too much for you to enlighten me? My father's side is the same way, as is Gernot's."

"Well... eclampsia and gestational diabetes have reared their ugly heads at multiple points. But I have and am doing everything in my power to prevent them. Difficult deliveries are also common, and three neonatal deaths."

"Oh, Zipporah, you must be terrified. That medical history could mean anything for you or the child!" I smile in reassurance and strength.

"Yes, I am nervous. But I want to be optimistic and upbeat. This is a happy time. I want it to stay that way."

"Does Basil know?"

"He is familiar with my family medical history, but I am slowly introducing the serious implications. Basil is an extremely devout, loving and sensitive man. He can worry and get distressed to the point it could do more damage than good. I want him to be able to focus, especially as he is preparing to take over Rask Industries." I explain, looking out the window at my husband. He and Gernot are in an animated conversation, likely reliving childhood memories.

"How does this affect your being a Princess and an heiress, though? Your new position is just as demanding as his."

"I aim to take the bull by the horns and wrangle it. It'll be challenging, but I'm healthy and able. I will work as long as I can, then gracefully step back. I am well aware of my limits."

"I said the same thing, but Gernot refused to let me within a mile of the office as soon as I reached six months. I think Basil do the same."

"However, I am a Princess. Pregnancy won't excuse me from duties associated with being a royal. Being an heiress also means I will have obligations to fulfill."

"You are a determined woman, Zipporah." We chuckle a little bitterly.

"I can be as stubborn as a mule."

"I can see that." We break out laughing. Ilona looks between us, confused, before joining in.

"I think we'll make great friends, Odilie." We grasp hands.

"Ach ja!" At last, a friend!

I have decided to give this story another shot! Please comment and vote, shout outs to me_Tehreem and HerImperialMajesty99!


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