Chapter 36: Make Up {Basil}

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"I'm calling to speak with Carrie Goldstein." I explain once my call is answered. The sigh on the other end disheartens me.

"Is this Basil Kaiser?"

"Yes. I'm calling about my wife. Do you know anything?"

"... Yes."

I grip the phone, "Please tell me everything you know. I've been searching for Zipporah for three days now and I need to find her!"

"I'm well aware of that, sir. Zipporah showed up at my house three days ago, upset and scared. I have kept her here for her wellbeing and not informed anyone per her request. She is safe and healthy. The baby is fine. But I did take her to her appointment and Zipporah has effaced, as well as begun to dilate," Carrie hums, "She has recovered from the fight and wants to make amends. But she is scared about confronting you." I exhale sharply. Finally I know where Zipporah is, the relief of which washes over me. Guilt consumes me afterward for making Zipporah scared. A broken noise rumbles from my throat.

"I need to apologize to her. Please help me. Can I head over to your house and see her?" Laughter from the other end causes my heart to sink further, since I can't understand what garnered it.

"Actually, Mel is driving Zipporah home as we speak. They left some time ago. Probably won't be long before you can see her." Fumbling with the phone in shock I nearly fall off of the bed.

"Truthfully? You are not lying? Zipporah's on her way back?!"


Tears slip from my eyes and I launch from the bed, dashing outside to the porch, "I... I-I... She's coming home!"

"Yes. Now, Basil, Zipporah is in an extremely fragile state. She's-"


"Very. Basil?"


"In the future, keep in mind that Zipporah has friends in high places who won't hesitate to protect and support her. Next time something like this happens, well, I have one word of advice."


"Ask Mel when they get there. Or Mr David. I've got a work call coming in now."

"O-of course, of course. Thank you so much for looking after Zipporah. It... it..."

"You're welcome." We hang up and I start pacing the porch. Mama and Rosine come outside and I fill them in whilst trying to figure out what to say and do.

"That's Mel's car!" Mama remarks as a bright blue, heavy duty pick up truck rumbles into the driveway. Papa and Benedikta rush outside. Because of the dark widow tinting I can't see inside, but nonetheless I start walking towards the passenger door.

The driver's seat pops open and a tall, tan man jumps out. Mel Goldstein, who rounds the front of the truck while motioning for me to stay put. He opens the passenger door and reaches up, carefully lifting my wife out. My breath hitches as Zipporah is set down, and I barely contain my own tears.

"Z-Zipporah..!" I stride towards her and embrace her, burying my face in her neck and luxuriant hair, "Zipporah, you're back.." My heart, already sore, breaks. She herself is shaking and she isn't fully embracing me back. She can't, and I know why.

"Basil... did you... I'm..." She sniffles nervously and I tighten my embrace. Gently kissing her neck, I trail upwards to her lips which taste strongly of salted tears before retreating and looking her steadfast in the eyes.

"Zipporah, It was my fault. I was too quick to judge and I read too deep. You did nothing wrong, and I rejected you. I caused you unjustifiable suffering because of my own ignorance," I brokenly inhale, "And I made you run. I scared you. If I could alter what happened I would. But all I can do is try to heal the wounds I caused, and repair what I can between us... I apologize for overreacting and causing you pain. For that, I take full responsibility. The blame is mine... do you... forgive me, Edelweiss?"

She whimpers and nods, stretching her arms around me, "Yes. I forgive you, Edelweiss. But it's still my fault for running away and leaving you to languish. I hurt you too. I'm sorry for causing the misunderstanding and argument in the first place. So, it's me who should be asking forgiveness." I shake my head in strongly in protest, searing tears streaming down as she starts to sob. I cup her cheeks.

"You are forgiven, but I still take the blame, mein Schatz." Zipporah smiles.

"We're both fools aren't we, Basil?" I chuckle, wiping away her tears.

"Ja," I lean down tentatively, "Ich liebe Sie, Zipporah."

"Ich liebe Sie mehr, Basil."

We lock together and, sharing one of the most powerful kisses we've ever had, wordlessly pour out our hearts. Our mutual anguish, love, and yearning.

When we split apart so that Mama and Papa can greet Zipporah, I ask Mel for that advice Carrie hinted at. He chuckles as he hands me her things, "You don't need it. You'll do fine."

"What do you mean?"

"You did exactly what was needed. You apologized first, and acknowledged your faults. You stopped Zipporah from burdening herself more with self judgement and guilt." I stare at him as I decipher his meaning.

"I am in your debt, sir. Thank you for caring for Zipporah."

"Just make sure that in the future when you argue and have a misunderstanding that you don't push her away and hurt her. Act from the heart and things will go well."

"I will," I look back at a much happier Zipporah, "I will."

They're on the mend now! Please comment and vote! Thanks!


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