Chapter 14: First Kick

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It's been a week since the Expo poisoning and today I was able to drive Basil home. The antidote had to be injected in careful doses and they wanted to keep him monitored. He's recovered well, though he's still lethargic and weak. He wanted to drive but since I finally got my Eldstein license, a royal one at that, there was no debate.

I tread softly up the stairs and balance the tray with lunch in my hands. Basil is on bedrest and I don't mind taking care of him. A smile lights up his face as I enter our bedroom, "I could smell lunch from up here, Edelweiss. I can't wait." I blush and set the tray down, sharing a kiss with him. He tries to pull me onto the bed with him and I dodge, picking up the bowl of stew and a spoon.

"Mm-mm. Lunch first. Open." He eagerly complies and soon the bowl is empty. I set them down and hand him his prescription for any residual symptoms and the glass of water. Once he's taken them, then I slide into bed beside him. I lie on my back and Basil rolls over to cuddle, laying his head on my chest and wrapping his arms around me. I run my fingers through his hair and over his scalp, massaging it gently.

When I hear how slow and deep his breathing becomes, I smile as a bit of pain enters my heart. Knowing it could have been worse for him, or that I could have been the victim, makes me very grateful to have him here. Whole and well. I sigh louder than intended and Basil lifts his head, peering up at me, "What is it?"

"I was just contemplating on how lucky we are." He smiles and slides his arm upwards to where it cradles my head. He moves upwards and sets his head on my shoulder, kissing my neck and jaw.

"Ja. We are very fortunate. But please don't think about the poison, Zipporah. Relax. Everything worked out." Basil assures and I tilt my head so it rests on his.

Just as I feel sleep taking ahold of me, I feel a strange sensation within my abdomen. I open my eyes a little and exhale. When it happens again, much stronger, my eyes pop open and I gasp. I don't mean to but I scare Basil. He jerks upwards onto his elbows, "What is it, Zipporah?" I shake my head.

"The baby. He just moved!" I exclaim as it happens again. I place his hand on top of my growing abdomen. The movement doesn't hurt, it just takes me off guard. I gasp as it becomes more defined, then break into giggles.

"He's there..," Basil remarks and grins so wide I fear his jaw may fall off. He presses a deep, loving kiss to my lips, "Ich liebe Sie, Zipporah."

"Ich liebe Sie auch." He wraps both arms around my belly and starts planting kisses all over.

Something a little more fluffy and sweet for Christmas ;) Please vote and comment!


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