~Reaping of the 75th games~

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Finnick sat down next to me as I watched random junk that appeared on the tv when the seal of Panem came up onto the screen before the president himself stood tall. " To the citizens of Panem, I have an announcement regarding the upcoming hunger games. These games will be the 75th of their kind and will also be the third quarter quell where the rules will be changed based on the envelope chosen." A boy walked up to Snow and held up a box filled with numbered envelopes, Snow picked out the one that had '75' written on it, he opened the envelope and smiled." For the third quarter quell, we will send back previous victors, anybody who lives with a victor is also eligible for the games as to mix it up even more." the seal came up onto the screen again before blackness as I turned off the tv.

"Finnick..." I whispered, barely registering what I was just told, before cuddling/crying into Finnick, who ha already released a few tears. I had the possibility of going back, just under a different name and look. Peeta. He was eligible and there were only two males in twelve who were victors and one female... He would go in either way, by being picked or by volunteering as a tribute. I cried harder than before, drenching Finnick's shirt. What if I went in with Peeta and I had to... "Ali?" Finnick half whispered."Y-Yes Finnick?" I replied, still crying." promise me that If we get separated by this that we won't forget each other." I looked up at him, tears cascading down my face." I wouldn't ever be able to forget you, despite the slim chance that one of us go in as I'm already going to lose my brother." I cried out to him, burying my face into his shirt again. He lifted my chin and looked into my eyes before gently kissing me, my face immediately coloured as my first kiss was taken.

*skip a few weeks* 

Today is the day... one of us is possibly going to be shipped away from the other, probably to never have a conversation between ourselves again.

I dressed in a simple outfit that was still nice and suited the district (http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=208239139) I clung onto Finnick  for support as he put my prosthetic leg back on as it had to be cleaned again. He stood tall again and kissed my forehead before I held his hand and we walked to the district's square, Mags trailing behind us as she was a tribute previously as well.

I had my blood taken to identify me as Alia O'dair as the rebels hacked the system to change my name for the capital computers as it would be dangerous for everyone if they found out who I was, they would ultimately kill everyone and anyone who knew me or vice versa. It pained me as I had to separate from Finnick.

An old capitol woman who was trying to look young came out and went to the males bowl first... that's odd, She called out the name that I didn't want to be said with her hideous lips."Finnick O'dair!" My eyes watered slightly as he braved it and walked out onto the stage, the woman then congratulated him after everyone one had momentarily gone silent, she walked over to the female's bowl and called out a name foreign to me." Annie Cresta!" Without thinking, I volunteered. " I- I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE!" I immediately cupped my hands over mouth as I replaced a delirious red-haired girl. I walked up the stairs, still in shock of my own actions. " what's your name girl?" The woman asked without a care. "A-Alia O'dair.." I spoke in an almost whisper into the microphone that was being shoved in my face. " O'dair eh? we got related ones!" She laughed before ending the reaping, sending the people to their homes.

I glanced over at Finnick who was trying to save the tears for when we got inside, away from the cameras." You two, in here." A peacekeeper shoved us into a room and slammed the door, just before Finnick broke down. " Why did you do it?" He asked, holding me as if he would never do so again. " I-I don't know.. I guess I just can't stay here, alone, with only Mags who has however many years left." I cried. " I- I couldn't be away from you when my brother is almost garranteed a death in the arena. He, he isn't a fighter, not like us. He makes peace, not war." I tried to explain before wiping my eyes." We can't go out with red eyes.. we'll be targeted as weak, like you've lost your touch. " He nodded slightly and I wiped his eyes of tears, If you told me a month ago that I'd see Finnick in tears I'd have laughed, Finnick has a tough shell that is hard to get past, but I squeezed through. 

We sat there for a while, talking about stratagies, and stealing kisses from eachother.

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