~Fog can be Very dangerous~

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I can't actually fall asleep, the burning thirst in my throat, my eyes are dry from crying, it's also too hot to be actually comfortable with all the sweat even though it is cooling down. I stared into the leaves above me for a while until something was sent to us, Katniss spoke, standing up"I'll go search the area for water." We all just nodded and she walked away.

I sat up and grabbed some of the long grass around us. "Might as well make myself useful as I'm not exactly a victor, just an exception as I live or lived with Finnick." I started weaving the grass into a bowl. Finnick grabbed some grass as well and helped me, Peeta sat awkwardly to himself as he clearly doesn't know how to weave anything. "Peeta," I said in a monotone voice. " Come here, I'll teach you how to weave." He got up and moved next to me. I gave him some grass and explained it to him, He's hopeless at it but I give him encouragement as I cringe at the 'bowl' he is making.

Peeta sits to himself concentrating, Finnick and I weave a 'hut' for us to sleep in rather than be exposed completely. I find myself smiling for the first time in a while, only a smile that Finnick can draw out of me. We finish and Peeta's 'bowls' have improved slightly. I laugh to myself and Katniss comes back holding something dead, causing my smile to disappear completely. "Did you find anything?" I find myself asking. She looks over to me. "No, but this guy knew where the water is, His muzzle was wet. I swear that I looked at least 10 metres in every direction." She said frowning, sitting next to Peeta when a 'gift' from one of our mentors came down.

She grabbed it from where it landed and opened it, a small metal piece was shown to us. I sat up and leant on Finnick, he wrapped his arm around me and I stared at the metal piece, now lodged in the dirt. I sighed and looked at Peeta, he was looking at the metal piece.

I wish that I could hug him.... I need to, I tapped on Finnick's shoulder, he looked at me and I whispered. "I need to tell him. Before I somehow, probably die." He sighed and Katniss spoke suddenly. "Spile." She must have noticed all of our confused faces and she quickly explained that they are used to collect the sap from trees, well if it's the correct tree. Peeta made a hole into a tree with the Awl and Katniss put the 'Spile' in, it took its time but we soon had a small stream of water.

Finnick took one of my bowls and filled it up for me, I took it and drank the entire bowl's worth of water. Like everything in this dreaded jungle it was warm but now isn't the time to be picky. I was now smiling again and I hugged Finnick. We now had access to water where ever we were in the arena.

The other two soon fell asleep under the 'hut' and Finnick was put on guard duty. I sat next to him, slowly falling asleep until Katniss woke up and we swap positions, I lay next to Finnick in the 'hut'. I snuggle into him and now that we are in privacy from the cameras I kiss Finnick after triple checking that Peeta is asleep. Finnick smiles into the kiss and cuddles back into me. I fall asleep in Finnick's embrace.

I wake to Katniss screaming at us to wake up, Finnick bends down and I climb onto him, I try to hold onto him and hold the weapons as the poisonous fog follows us. It's like a searing hot pain of fire, like a branding Iron being pressed to your skin. Finnick's arms are spasming and Katniss is struggling to hold Peeta, Finnick squats down and lifts Peeta onto his back and Katniss picks me up, I try to be an easy passenger for her as her arms and legs are failing more than even mine. I clench my teeth together to stop myself from screaming out in pain, Katniss trips and falls over Finnick and Peeta sending me flying down the hill. The others roll down the hill and my own body stops, They crush me and I finally let a scream erupt from my body.

This is how I die, now partially crushed as the poisonous fog crawls closer to us. I now let my body do its own bidding as my eyes become glued shut, all I can think of is the pain as the fog crawls over my arm before stopping roughly around my shoulder. My back arches and my arm falls numb with pain , the fog stops at once and I'm just left to die. "Mon-hee's." Is all I hear from what I can assume is Peeta before my ears start ringing and my body thrashes around before going still, thrashing around every few seconds.

I'm dragged by my legs and whoever's hands that touch my legs feel like a fresh round of branding irons, I groan in response as my body is too pained to even scream out or open my eyes. My ears are still ringing and I managed to feel something grainy, sand?

The fabric of my jumpsuit is ripped open and my body spasms again as water is poured onto my leg, It stings, It burns but it is relieving me of the overall pain in the area, talk about salt in a wound. I can now hear again and notice my moans and groans coming from my body as the obviously salt water is poured on me. I'm dragged into the salt water until it reaches the calf of my leg.

The numbness in my arm is persistent and I finally open my eyes, I'm on my stomach and I can see clouds of white vapour escaping my body with each round of water. I'm pulled in ever so slightly more, I'm also turned to be sideways to the water, My right arm has water splashed over it and tonnes of the vapour escapes despite the arm being completely numb.

I almost scream again as my right arm is pulled into the water, The surrounding water just about turns completely white as the vapour escapes trough my arm. the other three's eyes widen with how much of the stuff is escaping, what do you expect when my arm was caught in the fog? All I can do is moan as relief washed over my body, I've been turned around again and Katniss pours water over my arm to test if there is more of the fog, the stuff curls up with itself and it drifts off.

"Okay now this will hurt the most but we need to fully submerge you, It'll help a lot." I nod slightly and I'm pulled into the water by Peeta. I breath out through my nostril and gargle the water, opening my eyes to the salty world. I surface again and notice that I'm once again surrounded by white water. "What happened?" Peeta asks eyeing the water. " My arm was trapped in the mass of fog, It's completely numb now. " I say and swim around with Finnick until the water seems to no longer be white behind me.

HAZAH ARE YOU PROUD OF ME? Probably not...

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