~Showing off~

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(who else is a fan of these long chapters? :D)

The peacekeeper from before barged in and roughly pulled us apart, taking us to the train. He let go of our arms, mine now reddened, as we stopped at a small station that was swarmed with cameras. I walked silently behind Finnick as he eyed the lady who had reaped the both of us, she led us through the train to a dining cart."here's your mentor." The woman sighed before sitting down as if she were better than us.

I took one look at my mentor and teared slightly as Finnick visibly tensed next to me. Mags sat in front of us, eating a cooked fish. I turned to Finnick, I knew that the capital did this on purpose, to try to get to us as the last thing I knew Finnick wanted to have to see before dying is his old mentor/nanny. Finnick had forced himself into the seat and I gave him a quick, family-like  peck on his check so he would be distracted. 

He faced me before getting to his food."So what? are you two siblings?" The woman who I have no interest in knowing the name of rudely asked, disturbing the peace in the room." No, We are distant relatives, my parents..." I quickly imagined my kind, loving father back in twelve, his face full of regret when he had accidentally removed my leg, I squeezed my eye shut quickly to stop me from tearing before I continued." My Parents were... k-killed a few months ago, So I moved in with Finnick/ my distant cousin." I explained, going with the backstory I had been given. The woman looked utterly bored of my voice. 

I sighed before getting up with a seaweed bun before going to the back of the train, where I knew the rooms would be from my previous experiences. I easily found the one labelled

 ' District 4 female' 

before walking in and sitting down on the bed. Finnick came in shortly and cradled the crying mess, me.'Whats wrong Ali?" He mumbled, hits of concern in his voice." I-It's just that I remembered my father, the sweetest man you'd ever meet, and him being married to my mother had made him seem like a complete angel as my mother was horrid," I leant in close to his ear so that if and cameras were in the room, recording us." When my father accidentally cut off my leg, he was so apologetic,  she didn't care, she still ordered me around and the abuse got even worse, yes... she hit us, but I still loved her as she... was my mother... she still is." 

He looked into my watering eyes and cupped my face." It's okay Ali, she dosen-didn't deserve you as a daughter, you are so amazing." I hugged him and he picked me up before setting me down onto the bed and climbing in next to me, to hold me tightly until we both fell asleep for the night.

*skip the next day or so on the train ;P (lazy ass writer... well I am writing a huge chapter... so forgive me? XD)* 

My breath hitched slightly as I saw the city of the capital, I hate to say so but it is gorgeous. The people of the capitol pointed at our train excitedly. I almost immediately scowled at their enthusiasm for wanting us to go back to one of those evil arenas. 

We walked out of the train to a swarm of cameras and we made our way into the massive, hotel-like training centre where we would stay until we go into the arena. We made our way up to the what I could count 6th or 7th floor that was marked '4' as the tributes from four would stay here. I went to my room after the supper and almost immediately fell asleep for tomorrow's events. 

'Knock , Knock , Knock' was the noise that I woke up to.

I walked out, dressed In a short blue dress, similar to my reaping dress and sat down."Shows quite a bit." Finnick laughed as he commented on the length of the dress, I went red in the face."Shut up, It's still modest compared to some of the other, previous tributes outfits that were made." I said before sitting down next to him, my legs firmly closed. I ate all the healthy, protein filled foods as I would definitely need it. I shuddered slightly, remembering my previous stylist.

We finished and exited the 'compartment' before literally shooting down to the second floor. I was guided to a room where three stylists stood, I almost immediately mentally zipped my mouth shut as I let them do their work on me, Waxing, plucking, bathing etc. I was being waxed when suddenly one of them made a noise of what I assumed confusion. "yes?" I asked without a thought."It's just that the hair stops here..." She poked just where my leg ended and the prosthetic started, my eye widened.

" Oh Uh... promise not to tell anyone... okay? *they nodded* I lost my leg at birth so my very distant cousin decided to make me a new one, out of material he bought or traded , he was a very skilled man, made me one big leg for when I would be older, well I could only fit in it a few years ago but I just forget about it sometimes as it is so comfortable, maybe just leave it alone, it is also rather difficult to get off or on so I'd rather it kept on." The prosthetic I had on would hook into the 'flesh' of my leg even though it was more of the weird prosthetic that had been stitched into a hollowed part of my leg, it was honestly difficult to remove.

They soon finished and I was put into a room, similar to how the one I had met my last stylist in.

'NO! I-I can't wear something like that!" I cried out to the woman who had shown me her plans of what we would wear.(slightly modified for the young-ins... took me forever to find 0-0.... as I feel like we need some innocence  : http://pre08.deviantart.net/cc08/th/pre/i/2015/259/2/2/hunger_games_district_four_chariot_outfits__by_hazelwolfmallark-d99tv4r.jpg )

The outfit was only made of very small pieces of fabric for slight modesty, also so that we weren't nude and fishing net, the net would be placed and layered just so that the fabric behind it wouldn't be noticeable, we would be showing most of everything. "Calm down Alia! you have no choice in this," she said and I became silent as she worked on the outfit, occasionally trying it on me to make sure that it fit and was placed correctly.

*Skip a .... while?*

I had the outfit on, my face burning red as I walked next to Finnick." It seems that your clothing is just getting more revealing each time I see you, Ali." He joked before stopping at our greek style carriage. I looked around at the contestants before freezing as I looked at my brother... Peeta, Finnick saw who I was looking at a held me back. " Finnick, p-please let me, let me go to P-him." Finnick tensed slightly before grabbing some sugar cubes that were meant for the horses that pulled the carriage." Look, Ali.. I'll let you go to him dicreetly if you just come with me, I'll talk to Katniss. You don't have to say a word." He smiled before popping a sugarcube into my mouth that i happily ate. Finnick grabbed my hand and walked us over to the 'star-crossed lovers' I glared slightly at Katniss, It's not fair that she gets to be with Peeta, who doesn't even know I exist.

Finnick made conversation with Katniss while I half-listened, I was only looking at Peeta whilst I hid behind Finnick slightly. Peeta glanced back at me a few times as he waited for Katniss to stop talking to Finnick, he mainly looked around at the other contestants, some I knew from watching previous games when I was little, when I was still 'Alive'. I then saw Haymitch Abernathy... my mentor, I had stopped looking at peeta so Haymitch, suprisingly not drunk, noticed me looking at him and came towards me.

"Now sweetheart, why would you be staring at me like that, whilst being dressed like that?" He asked with a slight laugh. "I'm surprised nobody has noticed yet, you'll figure it out soon enough, and you'll look like you've been struck by lightning, which I'd like to be there for. Look at the name, not the face Abernathy. Oh, do me a favour and don't say a thing when you realise it." I answered with a smirk to which he gave an incredibly confused face in reply whilst Finnick tensed up slightly as he had heard me. 

"Finnick, Alia! come here or you'll mess up everything!" my stylist, Lio (leo) yelled towards us. I sighed as Finnick took my hand, It's only been 4 or so years. 

I stood onto the carriage and put a death grip onto Finnick when we strated moving, my face was burning red under the make-up as roses were thrown down onto our almost naked bodies. We stopped moving mometairily so that president snow could congradulate us on being chosen for a quarter quell. We soon made it back to the warehouse that we were in previously.

Haymitch came over to me after a few minutes of my team congradulating and praising us, he took me to one side where nobody could hear us. "Look sweetheart, I don't know what game you are playing at but meet me on the roof later, will you?" I sighed before nodding and going back to Finnick.

"What was that about Ali?" Finnick questioned almost imediatly." Abernathy just wants to talk to me later tonight, could you make some sort of excuse for me? I'll be okay." He nodded hugging me."Just wanted to make sure he wasn't trying anything. 

Broken(Sequel To Disabled~A HG Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now