~Chapter 1: The Surprise~

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  • Dedicated to Peeta and Katniss <3

~Chapter 1: The Surprise~


I wake up by the yellow streams of light coming through the window. I stretch and yawn. I look besides me and see Peeta. Who would have ever thought I would marry the with the bread. I kiss him on his forehead. I stand up from the big bed with blue covers. I close the window with the white curtains so the light won't wake up Peeta. Since we got married we got a new house. It's near Willow's school. I go to the kitchen and make four plates of eggs with bacon. I put it on the wooden brown table for four people, Peeta, Rye, Willow, and me of course. I yawn again as I finish making the last plate.

I put it on the table then I go to the fridge and snatch a cartoon of orange juice. I pour it into four glasses. Then I put the silverware on the table. I am dressed in a sleeping gown the color green, my favorite color. Suddely somebody puts their hands over my eyes. It's Peeta of course! He says, "Guess who?" I giggle and say, "Is it...Rye?" He turns me around and puts his lips on mine. I kiss him back and then I stop him and say, "We have to wake up Willow, it's almost time for school.

Peeta says, "I'll wake her up, you wake up Rye. I walk up to my cute littler toddler's room and look at him for a while. He looks like an angel. His cute little fingers and blond curls. I say, "Wake up Rye. Time for dinner." He opens his gray eyes and says, "What's dinner?" I laugh and take him out of his small bed with red covers. We leave his yellow colored room and close his white door.

He holds my hand walking slowly. He says, "Mommy? Can I go outside and play?" I say, "Let's eat breakfast first. He lets go my hand and runs to the table. He jumps up and down because he can't get on the chair, he's too short. I lift him up on the chair and he says, "I'm going to wait for daddy before I eat. Mmmmmm, Bacon!" I say, "Okay, I'm going to get Daddy and Willow, you wait here." He answers, "Okay!" I was about to open Willow's white door when they walk out. Willow's wearing a pink dress with whhite lacing. Her shiny black hair is brushed and her blue eyes are bright. She hugs me and says, "Good morning mom, what's for breakfast." I say, "Egg and bacon." She says, "Mmmmm, bacon." Then she runs to the wooden table. Peeta says, "So, Mmmmm bacon!" We laugh because Willow and Rye love bacon!

We sit at the table and start eating. Willow finishes first and says, "Daddy hurry, I want to be early today to play with Samantha." Samantha is Willow's best friend. Peeta says, "Let me finish my Juice." He gulps his juice and Willow pulls his hand to the pulls him to the door. I say, "Don't forget your backpack. Oh and brush your teeth, both of you." Willow runs to her room taking with Peeta behind her. I help Rye finish his food then I go to his room and dress him in white pants and a blue shirt. It's chilly so I put on a white jacket over his shirt.

While we walk outside to the living room Peeta and Willow rush past me. I say, "Don't forget to open the shop." Peeta disappears but then he comes back panting and says, "I won't. Then he kisses me on my cheek and runs to Willow. Peeta build a bakery last year for more money and because he likes to bake. I tell Rye, "Help me clean the dishes and then we can play outside." He says, "Okay mommy." We wash the white dishes. Rye mostly just splash the water around. After we finish he waits for me to play outside. I dress into black pants and a white shirt. I put my hair in a braid and put my mocking jay pin over my red jacket where my heart is.

Rye shouts, "Mommy, hurry up! I want to play!" I run out of the white room and close the white door behind me. We play tag outside and then we go inside. While he does I clean around the house. When he wakes up we walk to the bakery. Rye says, "Where are we going mommy?" I can't fool Rye, he knows the way to the bakery like the back of his hand. I say, "I'm going to see somebody." He says, "Why?" I say, "To say hi." I see a bush full of bright yellow flowers and I pluck a few. Rye says, "Pretty flowers!" Then he starts to smell them.

I take Rye to a grave and look where right now, Prim is. Rye says, "Mommy, who is this?" Rye knows what a grave is. I have told him about it. I say, "This is my sister, Primrose. I call her Prim." He stays quiet and doesn't respond. I put the flowers on her grave and a tear runs down my eyes. Rye says, "Mommy, why are you crying?" I say, "I miss her." He hugs me and then we race to the bakery. Oh. Prim would love Rye so much if she was here. I think of something else so I won't cry anymore. When we are in the bakery Rye says, "Hi daddy!!!" Peeta runs to Rye and hugs him.

Then Rye says, "I want a cookie!" Peeta laughs and he runs to the counter and gives him a chocolate chip cookie, Rye's favorite. Rye sits its on the floor and starts to play i his own little world. The bakery walls are bronze and their is a big sign that shows the menu. The bakery is called The Melark Family. Peeta says, "Where have you been?" I look at myself. I am full of twigs and dirt. I say, " I gave Prim some more flowers." He says, "You miss Prim. Real or not real? I say, "Real" Then he hugs me and says, "I miss her too." I start to cry and then I stop and say, "I brought Rye so I can go hunting. He says, "You can't bare a day without the woods." I kiss him on the cheek and say,"I promise it will be one hour." He says, "That's what you said last time." I laugh and then I start to leave.

I close the door. The bell that says someone is entering or leaving the shop rings. Then I feel dizzy. I try to hold on to something but instead I fall and faint. I was dreaming of hunting with my bow and arrow. Runing back and forth and climbing trees. But then it transforms into a nightmare. I am somehow in at the capitol. Prim just died. I close my eyes and scream out, "No, Prim!" I wake up all sweaty and see Peeta's eyes. He says, "It's just a dream." I am at home in our bed and then I say, "Where are Willow and Rye?" Peeta says, "Willow's at school and Rye is taking a nap. Don't worry Katniss." I say, "What happened?" Peeta says, "You fainted, the doctor will come any minute now, just rest" I close myeyes but I don't sleep. I am to frightened of another bad dream.

When I hear the door open I see a man with a black beard. He is wearing a long white jacket and has a case. He says, "Hello Katniss." Everybody knows me. I am a hero to everybody here. He says, "What happened, are you sick?" I say, "I don't think so." I want him to say I am all right so I can get my game bag and hunt. He checks my heart beat and then he gets a small silver machine out of his kids and connects some wires to me. He puts some over my heart, stomach, forehead, and my arms. The he says after about 30 minutes of checking me, "Just as I thought." Peeta says nervously, "Is she sick?" I don't think I'm sick. The doctor says, "No." Then Peeta says, "Is it bad?" The doctor says, "Ummm, it depends on what you thinks." I am confused. I just want to run in the woods and climb trees. I say, "So I'm not sick. Can I go hunt?" The doctor says, "I'd rather you stay in bed because you are, pregnant." I am having another child.

The doctor packs up and leaves. Then, when the instant the door closes Peeta says, "If it's a girl, I want her name to be Katniss." I say, "If it's a boy, I want his name to be Peeta." He leans in and gives me a long kiss on the mouth. I kiss him back and when he stopped I say, "I want my game bag, I'm going to hunt." He says,"The doctor told you to stay in bed." I say, "He said I'd rather you stay in bed." Peeta says, "Just rest Katniss." I say, "Okay, but you have to get Willow from school." Peeta says good bye. I was going to leave, but I forgot Rye was here..........I will update when I get 3 votes, 1 comment, and 10 reads. :)

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