Shopping for him

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     Brandon and I walked into the mall. There were plenty of stores to choose from, but he decided to walk into Footlocker first. I looked at the man confused as hell, "Why in here?" I asked, he looked at me and simply stated "I like to match my outfits with my shoes." He then jogged into the store.

      ~Two hours of shoe shopping later~

    "Jeez, if I keep spending like this I won't have enough money to eat" I whispered solemnly to myself. 'But its worth it!' I thought. Brandon decided that we should sit down and eat before continuing the shopping spree, we stopped at a cheap restaurant in the mall, Brandon called for a waiter to be brought to our table. The woman came sauntering over.
        "Hello there! And how may I help you?" She asked Brandon whilst leaning over the table and squeezing her breast together with her arms. I snickered at the thought of her trying too hard. Brandon gave her a grimace and ordered himself Two burgers A large fries and a Pepsi. The woman then looked at me and her smile faltered away, "And you?" She said while popping her gum, "The same thing he's having." I said with a smile she turned around and switched away, making sure to turn around to see if Brandon was watching, which he was not, because he was watching me.
         "What're you looking at, glasses." I asked. "Oh nothing, just the most beautiful woman in the world." He smiled back. Jeez, if I were any lighter I would be 50 shades of pink. "Th-thank you." I quietly whispered back. The woman's loud gum popping ass sauntered herself back over to the table ruining the once romantic moment me and the future father of my children once had. "Here you go." She said sensually whilst placing his food on the table, "Here you go." She she disrespectfully added as she gave me mine. She turned around and sauntered away.
        Brandon looked at his tray confused, then ate one of his fries. I didn't miss that the bitch wrote her number on his tray in ketchup in which Brandon cheerfully dipped his fry in it and ate. When we finished eating I took the ketchup bottle and wrote on my tray: "He's married bitch❤️" then set down 25 cents as a tip. Brandon boomed with laughter as he read my message and saw my tip. We both walked away and continued shopping.
     ~25 bags of clothing later~

We both were exhausted after the taxi home, I told him to go put his clothes in the closet in which he did. He walked out of the closet with something hidden behind his back, "What is that?" I asked. He gently smiled, then pulled out two bags from Victoria's Secret. I gasped in anticipation. He opened up my dresser drawer and stuck the bags inside "Don't touch these bags till tomorrow night. Do you understand?" He asked. I snorted and rolled my eyes "Yes, master." He sighed and looked at me "Ugh, baby girl, don't do that to me." I gasped and looked away. He smiled and jumped into the bed next to me and fell asleep, I rested my head down on the pillow next to his sighing. 'I'm going to look in those bags tonight.'

    ~3 hours of Wattpad later~

   I suck out of bed and opened up my drawer, I stuck my hand inside feeling the bags, I pulled one out and looked at the contents inside. It was a purple lace thong and a purple lace bra, I smiled even without knowing me he knew my favorite color.
      Suddenly I felt hands grab my hips and a deep sultry chuckle in my ear "Baby girl, you just don't listen do you? I think it's time for your punishment."

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