Penthouse Madness

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"Sage! Slow down! You don't even know where you're going!" I yelled after her. I couldn't help but smile, my baby girl is growing up. Right before we left her pitiful old apartment, she cursed out her landlord,


"Screw you! And your crummy building. You got me all the way fucked up if you think I'm paying bills." Sage shouted, I was currently watching her in astonishment, I just felt like grabbing her and kissing her face off. She threw her lease in his face, then walked out of the room. The landlord was stunned.

Back To Reality:

She turned and walked into a tall building that looked really expensive. I don't think either one of us can afford this, do I even have a bank account? I'll ask Sage later. We walked to the front desk, Sage rung the bell and a man came running out. He looked at Sage, then looked at me, "Oh! Mr. Gregorio. Your father has been expecting you. Here, I'll tell him you're on the way up. Just go to the 6th floor, he's in penthouse 6, just knock six times and he'll let you in." I hear Sage mutter an "Oh hell no." and turn for the door. But I held her hand and walked her to the elevator.

Sage gave me a surprised look, "I'm curious." I said. She sighed and shook her head.


Oh fuck, Oh fuckitty, fuck, fuck, fuck. What if his father tells him something I lied about? Bad enough, he's the devil, what if he tries to kill me? Okay Sage, just breathe, in and out, in and out. That's it, you're getting the hang of it. Before I knew it, we were at the door. Brandon lifted his fists, then he knocked six times. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six.

The door slammed open and a very fit man stood in the doorway, he was black, just like me, about the same complexion, Brandon perked up and smiled "Kai! My main man! How've you been?" Kai smiled as bright and as wide as he could "Hey Bran the Man," He looked at me. "And hello beautiful." I smiled and waved. He looked familiar, wait..."Your' the guy from Maury!" He looked shocked, he rubbed the back of his head and chuckled, "Yeah, crazy story, I'll tell you later."

We walked inside, a fat man was sitting by the window, he turned and looked at us. "Ah! , Brandon, come sei stato mio figlio?"  (Translation: "Ah!  Brandon, how have you been, my son?") Brandon replied happily, "Sono statobuon padre, questa è la mia moglie, Sage." (Translation: "I've been good father, this is my wife Sage.").

Since I heard my name, I waved my hand slowly. His father's eyes widened, he said, "What is your last name?" "Gregorio." I replied, "No bella, your prior last name." "Oh," I pronounced, "Jenson."

His father turned his back to us. "Uccidila." (Translation: Kill Her.).

Brandon's eyes widened and he pushed me to the ground. Kai jumped over the couch and tackled Brandons father, gun shots sprang out everywhere. With Brandon's father still laid out, Kai snuck us out of the penthouse and into a black Range Rover. Once we drove away Kai and Brandon looked at each other and busted out laughing. For me the world was slowly fading into black. Before everything disappeared, I heard Kai say, "Let's pick up Lorenzo."

Then I heard Brandon say, "Yeah, let's get the trio back together."

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