Surprise {Chapter 1}

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Savanna pov
Today I woke up to the angels' voice into my ear, Sabrina Carpenter. Then I began to groan knowing today is Friday and I had to get ready for school. I look at my phone and it's 7:43 am. I take out the braids I have in my hair and go into the bathroom and take a shower, brush my teeth and dry my hair. I usually leave my hair how it is because I'm too lazy to do anything else to it. I am not in the mood to actually look nice so I put on a white tank top, gray Hoodie, light pink jeans and gray converse.

by the time I'm done, it's 8:25 am, I have another 20 or so minutes so I go to heat up a breakfast sandwich (sausage, eggs, and cheese with croissant bread) and some orange juice

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by the time I'm done, it's 8:25 am, I have another 20 or so minutes so I go to heat up a breakfast sandwich (sausage, eggs, and cheese with croissant bread) and some orange juice. When I'm done I go and brush my teeth again then by the time I'm done I look at the time once again 8:37 am. I leave in 3 minutes so I go grab my bookbag, headphones and my phone go knock on my mom's door "leaving for the bus mom love you." I yelled 

"love you too, lock the door behind you" and with that, I'm heading to the bus stop.


I get onto the bus and the bus heads to its next stop which is my friend Sophia gets on the bus. "Hey Savanna!" She said as she slides into the seat next me 

"Hey, Sophia did you do my Mrs. Loves Tutorial?" I asked knowing the answer 

"Ohhhh I forgot about that." I laughed a bit as my phone chimed "figured" I looked at my phone and see my best friend text me.

Erin😍😘💋💓- Morning just telling you I'm still alive and healthy and breathing... Ashley told me to text you😈
Me- tell her I said hey I'm pulling into the school see you around love you😇
Erin😍😘💋💓- love you too and don't let the bus kill you I need you😈😂

I love Erin more than my other friends because she's been with me for 9 years since kindergarten. She's like my rock. She keeps me being who I am.


After school

I go straight into my room to see a note from my mom

Kaykay is going with Alex for memorial weekend and so is Marquise so you are going to Erin house she'll be there at 5:30 love ya
~Momma Dukes

As I grabbed my medium sized duffel bag out of my closet I got a Face-time message from my friend Josh

"Hey Sav what are you doing?"
"Packing for Erin house." I turn my phone towards the few outfits I already had laid out.
"You're moving in?!" He said and  I laughed
"No, I'm spending Memorial weekend with her you duck." I laughed and he joined
"Hey, can I ask you a question?" He said 
"Yeah go ahead." I said as trying to figure out which 3 pairs of shoes to bring. I narrowed it down to my timberland's, White air force 1, and Black converse.
"Would you go out with me." Those words brought back bad memories. Every time he asked me out it would be for a bet and I would get hurt.
"I know it's been bets and pranks in the past but I really do want you to be my girl." He said sounding sincere
"Okay but I swear if i get my heart broken AGAIN I won't talk to you ever again or hold Erin back from killing you." I said very seriously
"Okay I promise." He said with a smile on his face.

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