truth {Chapter 21}

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I was laying in my room chillin, I start dance again next week because we went on vacation but we're back in business.

"Savanna, when are you going to tell people the truth about what happened did you see what's on buzz feed and Clever?" Sarah asked. I shook my head. I pulled out my laptop and looked at the pop gossip channel, the first video that caught me eye, 'Savanna Carpenter is a cheater'

"So peopel think I cheated." I said clicking the video.

"Guys I guess jovanna was not mention to be, yesterday the cast of Girl Meets world went out for a relaxed day if you follow any of there social media it looked like they had a blast. Savanna Carpenter posted this picture on instagram with this caption 'I was doing just fine before I met you, doing even better without you' then a few hours later she posted another photo captioning it 'uys chill with the hate sent to @JoesphReed I'm okay I promise just stop with the hate and bring love' but that's not all, she was also on twitter 'Life's moves on and time progresses. Don't dwell on the past worry about the present, it's more important' looks like the cast was trying to get her mind off of the sad break up. Then peopel got the hashtag #JovannaIsDead trending and Joesph used the hastag stating 'Yes me and Savanna broke up, it's sad that some people can't stay loyal. #JovannaIsDead' Is that indicating that Savanna was cheating. But my girl Savanna bounced back with 'The truth will be set free no matter what lies you decide to tell #JovannaIsDead' so who's lieing here. Also there is evidence that Savanna was spotted with a guy and a girl drinking milkshakes. But what do you guys think leave it in the comments below I'm Ashley and your watching BuzzFeed."

I closed my laptop and look over at Sarah who was sitting in my chair. "So what your going to do?" She asked.

"I'm going to tell the truth, I shouldn't be put in a bad position because of this, no one cheated on no one. It's only fair." I picked up my phone and went to find a picture to post.

" I picked up my phone and went to find a picture to post

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Here's the truth. I did not cheat on Joesph and Joesph didn't cheat on me. He felt like there was an uneven amount of commitment and ended it. No one's at fault, no one deserves hate. I just needed to clear that up.

After I cleared everything up I went downstairs to see what sincere is doing. "Sav, you have a visitor." Mom said I go to the entry way and I see Joesph.

"Hey can I just talk to you for a second?" He asked. I nodded hestitatly and went to sit on the bench on the front porch. "I'm sorry. I was just really hurt because you didn't stop him."

"So basically you didn't trust me enough to know that it was a friendly gesture and nothing wasn't going to happen between me and him. Especially not when I was with you." I said and he looked at me with hope. "A relationship is built on trust, if you can't trust me then what do we have. You assumed that I wasn't putting as much commitment as you were. I cried all night thinking it was my fault." I said trying to hold back the tears from the memory.

"Okay but the next day you went out with a smile on your face." He said offensively.

"Are you serious. I cried they decided to take me out to get my mind off of you. I was smiling in pictures but in reality I was dieing thinking of what I can do to make you realize it. But then Sabrina helped me she told me that your not worth my tears. Your not worth me mopping around. So yes I eventually got over it. Am I fully over it no it's only been 2 days. And apparently I cheated on you and I wasn't loyal. Bye Joesph." I said and walked into my house.

They aren't worth the tears.

"Hey." I said sitting on the couch.

"What happened." Sincere asked.

"He came by today asking for my forgiveness. And I I couldn't because he couldn't trust me. And claimed that I didn't care about the break up." I said sitting next to him.

"Look don't worry about. You have an acting and dancing career ahead of you. You don't need this extra boy drama your busy enough. As you older brother I don't approve of you dating any guy because I don't want to see you get hurt.. again but I want you to be happy. And I know dancing and acting makes you happy okay so just worry about that." He said

"Thanks Sincere I really needed that." I gave him a hug and we watched some tv.

Sometimes you just need a talk with you sibling and tv to realize that you'll be okay.

"Dinner." Dad called. "We're going to eat as a family tonight." He said we went into the formal dining area and sat down. It was salad and spaghetti.

"This smells so good." I said as mom's puts the plate in front of everyone.

"You guys start filming again on Wensday and you have dance tomorrow so I figured it be good to have a family dinner. " Mom said.

We had a fun time at dinner, talking, laighing as a family. After dinner we all went to get ready for bed, mainly me because I have dance. It could be a lot less stressful now.

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