Best livestream ever{Chapter 9}

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I like how the last chapter told you to guess who it was and none of yall did. Well as I'm currently writing the chapter which is 3 days after the last part was updated but it's cool :( this is updated weeks after this though 😂😂😂😂

"Savanna this is your twin brother Sincere. That room you arent aloud to go in that's right next to Sarah's bathroom that's his room. He went missing 2 weeks after you got kidnapped. We found out he was in an adoption center all the way in Toronto, Canada. We found him the day we got the Direct Message from Genie." Dad said and I was just in shock,  I'm pretty sure I looked very traumatized like very, very, very traumatized because Sabrina walked over and hugged me.

"So I have another sibling that was taken from you guys?" I asked with an eyebrow raised. They lowered there heads and nodded slightly. "If I didn't know any better I would say your horrible parents, but they way Shannon, Sarah and Sabrina turned out and the way you've been raising me these past 3 months I know it was 2 accidents you'll never let happen again and we all learned to keep both eys on our future children at every point time in the day," I said which made them laugh and Sincere did the unexpected he hugged me.

"I remember everything from the day you were taken. When I was taken I remember you somehow and I miss you." He said. I hugged back even though I remember nothing.

"I have a question? Why I the world you name him Sincere and I get Savanna like so original. Another thing who's older? And lastly, how are we twins im blonde he's a brunette like Rowan the only thing we have in common is the eye color and shape. Lips shape, we both have non-existent cheek bones ohh I see it now. " I asked and everyone laughed and we pulled out of the hug.

"Well first off Grandpa told us to name our first son Sincere so that's what we did. Second He's older by 10minutes because you wanted to stay in the warmth a bit longer, Third that's what we were wondering but it's pretty common its a thankful that he didn't get blonde because then when you were younger we wouldn't have been able to tell the difference." Mom said we all decided to have a big family night since Cayla ended up coming over. I kind feel bad though Sincere is the only boy. It's a good night we had Mexican food for dinner and we watched some old home videos of all of us when we were younger and together as a family.

~The Next Day(Friday)~

Tonight is the premiere of Girl Meets Melanie Hart and we are livestream at La casa del Carpenter. Right now Sabrina and I are setting it up for the cast to come over, While Sarah and mom went to get snacks and drinks. Everyone is coming around @7 so we have at least an hour to just chat with the fans and see what there most excited about. 

"Savanna pass me some blankets from the laundry room please," Sabrina asked and I walked to the laundry room, open the closet where we keep our extra blankets. I walked back and handed her 3 blankets. "Thanks." She smiled. 

"No problem im going to test the camera angle to make sure they can see all of us," I said they only people that were coming were Amir, Ceci. Joesph, Corey, Peyton, and Rowan. Plus Sincere, Sarah, and Peyton C. We are going to introduce him to the fans tonight during the Season 4 livestream. I opened the camera app on Moms Mac book air 6 Pro(I don't know if this is an actual thing but use your imagination) and adjusted it so we can see all of us. A few minutes of setting up the living were done and Mom and Sarah came back with the snacks which we set up on the coffee table. I even set up a little area for goodwin right next to me. We had Nacho's, guacamole, Doritos, Chocolate you could never go wrong with chocolate and 3 different sodas. We also had a bunch of different foods that I don't feel like naming. Everyones supposed to wear pajamas so I went to get showered and so did Sarah, Sabrina and Sincere.

I put on my fuzzy blue slippers since I saw Sabrina wearing her dog slippers. Peyton C is getting YouNow set up so we can livestream and guest or video chat as Sabrina calls it though YouNow.

"Savanna get the door there here!" Sarah yelled from her room I guess she's still getting ready oh well. I walked towards the door and opened it and saw Joesph, Rowan, and Corey.

"Hey, guys where are the other 3?" I asked as I let them in? They shrugged their shoulders and sat on the couch.

"Amir went to get Ceci and Pey," Sabrina said walking into the living room plopping right next to rowan. Then the door bell rang again, I groaned and headed towards the door and see the 3 and let them in.

"Okay, Sarah, get down here were starting the livestream in a little bit," I yelled from the stairs and she walked down. I sat next to Joesph who was on my left and Goodwin who was on my right.

"Okay were live time to tweet about it." Peyton M said and we all immediately went to our phones except for Sincere he's handling the Goodwin Instagram which he's posting there.

Hey, guys, #GirlMeetsMelanieHart airs tonight @8pm so the cast and I are on YouNow look for the handle GirlMeetsCast and we'll chat for a bit😍😘 We'll be watching the episode along with you guys.

After I tweeted I got 8 notifications because everyone posted. We wait a bit and in the matter of a few minutes, we already have a few hundred people here.

"Hey guys so we're going to chat, guest people and answer questions until it starts so send you questions threw twitter using the hash tag girlmeetslive!" I said cheerfully typing in the hashtag on the search bar.

"What is one thing that we love about each other?" Rowan asked  "Okay I love Sab, because she's my best friend. Sarah because she always makes everyone laugh. Peyton C because he makes Sarah very happy. Savanna because she's not afraid to speak her mind about anything. Corey because he's so sweet to me and nice. Peyton because he acts like my big brother and Joesph because he's just fun to hang out with. And they're all just supportive." Rowan said and we smiled I blushed a bit because Joesph put his arm around me.

"Who is that boy talking to Peyton?" I said. "Oh right. Well everyone you know I am Sabrina long lost sister well this is my long-lost twin brother Sincere. I didn't keep it a secret because I literally found out yesterday night when he came to the house." I replied and went to search for more questions

"Hey let's guest some people and take a break from questions," Joesph suggested and we grabbed the laptop closer. "Savanna you used YouNow before how to do you guest people?" Joesph said I took the laptop and looked for someone to guest. I found someone and we guested her. I set the laptop up on the stand so she could see everyone. 

F- Fan SC- Sabrina PC- Peyton Clark
SA- Savanna SI- Sincere

F: Oh my gosh hi!
R: Hi your so pretty
SA: Stop flirting with your fan Row
Everyone laughs including the fan
SC: Do you have any questions?
F: Um yes. At the Kiddy Awards, you guys all went in pairs. Was it like a date situation?
J: Yes and no. It was kinda like an unexpected date situation. It's really hard to explain.
Everyone nods there head.

After about 30 minutes of talking Rowan Disney intro for girl meets world came on. "Okay, guys so it's starting and we won't look at the computer we will actually watch the episode so you could see how it went and we'll tell some behind the scenes stories for this episode."

"LUCAYA!" I screamed and everyone laughed. "The way Peyton put his hand on Sabrina was just the cutest thing ever. We had to do 2 takes because I was like 'Lucaya is endgame' while filming." I said and everyone nodded in agreement.

The episode ended and we just told them everything behind the scenes. "Okay, so that's it for the livestream-"

"Actually before we go I wanted to ask you something?" Joesph said I looked at everyone confused and they just smiled. I look back at him signaling him to continue. "Would you go on a date with me tomorrow night?" And then it caught me by surprise. I look at mom and dad who just gave me a big thumbs up so I guess he approves. I pretend to think about it for a while just to add suspense and I heard Sarah, Rowan, and Sabrina groan in annoyance.

"I'll love too." I blurted he kissed my cheek and ended the livestream. Everyone left and I went to sleep happy as ever because my crush is taking me out on a date tomorrow.

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