Plans {Chapter 38}

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1 week later
Today's the day Sincere, Sabrina and I are helping Peyton Clark with these special plans. Shannon was helping Peyton set everything up. So we had to bring Sarah to the place that they had there first date with was The Bistros.

"Why are you guys taking me to The Bistros?" Sarah asked groaning. She doesn't like bing outside of the house this early in the morning.

"Stop asking so many questions your younger siblings can't do something nice for you?" Since said

"No, especially because I'm driving." She said and we laughed

"We love you too sar." I said.

A few hours later

It was time for plan B get Sarah to the place they met at.  Which was the set of 'I didn't do it' such a great show. But that set is now the stuck in the middle set so that's the set we went to.

"Why are we here? It's not even a filming day?" She groaned. I'm guessing she wants to go home.

"Because we can." I Sassed an on the set of the door was a note. Time for plan C.

So I guess you've made it to where we met. Now think of another first that started this.

"What the heck is this mess?" Sarah groaned "wait this is peyton I wonder what he's planning."

"Think what's another one of first you've guys had." Sabrina encouraged. She thought for a while until finally thinking of something.

"Meeting mom and dad!" She yelled grabbed the note and practically ran into the car.

The way home Sarah was just gushing about how sweet Peyton is. Little did she know.

When we finally got to the house she ran all around the house looking for the note. "Where the heck is the note?" She yelled in fustration

"Where are mom and dad most?" Sabrina asked her.

"On a plane or a hotel room." I said sarcasticly

"Not the time sav." Sincere said shaking his head.

"In there room!" She yelled and ran towards there room. We followed and she read the note out loud

Last one think back to when we shared a very special first.

She thought for moment until sincere said.

"Wouldn't it be in your room. A very special first or his room." Sincere said which made me and choke on our spit.

"We haven't don't that Sincere. Where's your faith in me?" She asked hitting the back of his head.

"First kiss?" I suggested and it looked like a light bulb went off in her head.

"VENICE!" She yelled and we all looked confused as she grabbed the note and ran back to the car.

"Sarah Venice beach is almost 2 hours from here." Sincere groaned

"You all dragged me out of the house at 9 am you'll live." She said

I took the liberty to text Peyton C

Me: Peyton where on our way to Venice now.
Pineapple🍍: Okay thanks sis

2 hours later

We got to Venice and I seen Peyton on the sand looking out into the sunset. I seen some Camera crew I even see mom and dad's car. Time to see how this all plays out...

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