Set life{Chapter 6}

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    So I've lived in California for a week and I gained alot of social media followers and I am thinking about starting a YouTube channel you know so I won't be compared to Sabrina. Especially because I have a role on Girl meets world now, as maya step sister from Kermit side. I woke up to sia I changed my ring tone because it be weird if I kept the same ring tone It's my sister. "GET UP ITS YOUR FIRST DAY ON SET!" Sarah said roughly shaking me "What happened to you gently waking me up." I asked "it's been a week that's what happened mom made toast and eggs." She said walking out of the room I get up and go down stairs eat my eggs and toast "where's b?" I asked putting my plate in the sink go wake her up... again" Mom said and I ran upstairs. "SABRINA MOM SAID WAKE YOUR LAZY BUT UP YOU HAVE TO BE ON SET IN AN HOUR AND A HALF!" I yelled jumping on her back. "OW what happened to waking me up gently?" I laughed and thought of what Sarah said to me "it's been a week that's what happened. Get up and go eat breakfast mom made eggs and toast." I said walking to the bathroom from her room. "Sarah said that to you?" She asked "yep!" I said as I closed the door. I showered brushed my teeth and put on my clothes.(above) "Sarah!" I screamed as I left my room. "What?" She looked up from her phone apparently already ready. "Can you put my hair into 2 cornrows?" She nodded her head I gave her my brush and she braided my hair.

"There I'm done. I messed up at the top though" She said "doesn't matter a beanie is going to cover it." I skipped out of her room. "Someone's ready to go on the disney hq today." Mom said looking at my outfit I shrugged my shoulders and looked though social media I decided to text my friend Ava
M- did you leave for school yet?
A- no but I heard what happened with you and josh and glad to know you haven't gone Hollywood on us😂
M- me never you guys are better friends than anyone I meet at Disney today
A- what your going on set with Sabrina today? Lucky if you see Ben savage and Danielle Fishel get a video of then saying hi to me, please 😢
M- I don't knoe if I'm going to see them, my sisters aren't on the same show as them and I won't be playing a role in a few episodes.
A- yeah yeah yeah but Noah and Fiona are rushing me to leave TTYL
M- bye

"Savvana ready it's are first day of filming season 4." I nodded my head and since today is the first episode of season 4 we start table read on went day and we film next week. We headed to the car and Sarah was driving. "How you feeling we now have the same agent and this is your first acting role as Melanie Hart." Sabrina said looking back at me "it's just table read so I think it will be fun though to see everyone and to finally meet the famous Ben, Danielle and ryder." I said looking for a sound to make a "they are literally the funniest people on the planet." Sabrina said looking at her phone "yeah you might die from laughing so hard." Sarah said "keep your eyes on the rode I don't want die." I said and they laughed "Okay shh I'm making a" I made my and we were at set.

"Okay so we're here." Sarah says getting out of the car. "As ready as I'll ever be." I said walking into the building "Hey look it's the carpenters." Some security dude says. "Yeah now where do I put my bookbag like my laptop and books are killing me?" I asked the dude let's us in "thanks Garret." Sarah said and we headed to Sabrina's dressing room. We got in and I dropped it on the floor it weighed a ton. "Okay now that I don't have a 1000 pounds on my back let's go to the cast room." I said stretching my back "well someone knows about sets more than they give off." Sarah says sarcasticly, I just rolled my eyes and followed then out of the dressing room.

"The Carpenters are here!" Ben yelled out walking towards us then I remembered what Ava told me. "Hey Ben this is our sister Savannah." Sabrina said introducing me. "I can introduce my self thank you very much." I said shaking Ben's hand "Sassy if she's anything like you 2 she must have talents, so what do you do." Ben asked a little babied down tone "well first im old enough to be treated and spoken to the same way as everyone eles her. But I used to dance." I said looking him in his eyes being very serious "ok.. jeez what do you feed this child sassy muffins. And why'd you stop dancing if you don't mind me asking" Ben said sounding a but scared for my response "I was bullied for it and I just lost passion for it so I stopped." I said he nodded his head and Danielle walked over to us "Hey girls how ya doin'." She said with a smile "thank you someone who didn't talk to me like I was 4, I like you." They laughed and Ben pretend to be hurt. "Okay we have table read in 20 min" Peyton said walking in. "Hey Ben, Danielle my friend Ava wants a video of you guys saying hi to her do you mind if I get it for her?" They shrugged there shoulders "Okay and now." I said pressing record "Hi ava, have a wonderful day." "And cut, thanks I really appreciate it." I said giving them a hug. We all sat around and ryder, Ben and Danielle got to know me a little better and Micheal Jacobs told me the back story about my charcter.

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